Karen Swim

60, Female

Sterling Heights, Michigan

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Services, Other
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Comment Wall:

  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    How can we collaborate?

    We have an unlimited opportunity to place professionals of all types in ex-patriot assignments in Saudi Arabia. As you may know, there are about 6 million ex-patriots running the country at the operational level, and they “need everything.” They have Midas’s problem, which is they must invest about US$1 billion every week between now and 2020. This represents a monumental opportunity for people “in the know” to put aside a “nest egg” and gain experience at a higher level than one can achieve with similar qualifications and experience in the USA, Europe or Japan.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
    You can link to me on LinkedIn using dlconover@msn.com
  • Karen Swim

    Hi Skip,

    That is an exciting opportunity. I would love to refer qualified candidates to you. Is there a profile or site that I could add to my website to refer to you? I'm open to other collaborative ideas as well. Let's connect and talk.

    Best regards, Karen Swim
    View Karen Swim's profile on LinkedIn
  • Maya Walker

    Welcome, Karen!

    Your scintillating personality is a blessing to this community. I wish you massive success!
  • Karen Swim

    Thank you Maya for the invitation and kind words! I am simply following your lead for I know that if you recommend it, great blessings are in store! I wish you massive success (and loads of fun as you achieve it!).

  • Dave Mendoza

    Welcome !

    Feel free to add me as a 'friend' within RecruitingBlogs.com

    If you need assistance, let me know how I can be of help.

    Jason Davis has put together an amazing site.

    You can create your own blog within the "My Page" tab button of your profile here and add music and video. It's really cool. I am happy to assist you

    Look forward to seeing you here more often and best wishes

    Dave Mendoza
    Visit & Subscribe to My Blog: http://www.sixdegreesfromdave.com
  • Ken Rochon


    How was your Valentine's Day?

  • Graham Nicholls

    Hi Karen
    I am interested in you creative resume structure.
    I am in a similar area of course but I don't write resumes however I am very tired of seeing the same old stuff that doesn't really reflect the individuality of the candidate.
    So what do you do that's different?
  • Christian Fauchald

    I know I can definitely use you to polish up some of my C-level candidates. They tend to get a bit tarnished!
  • Amanda Papp

    Thanks Karen! I'm so glad we are now connected! Take care
  • Graham Nicholls

    Thanks Karen, it's a little bit of home I guess, there are so many from your part of the world, I thought I needed to show a little of my part of the world, glad you like the change!!
  • Graham Nicholls

    HI Karen
    Thankyou for your information on Resume structure. I tend to use some of the same techniques although the real challenge is getting the personality of the person into the resume structure and content. I think it is the best way. I worked with a client on a business profile yesterday, I found this a lot easier to get the personality into! She is delighted, we are now waiting for the companies response to see if they were delighted!! I would love to see a sample of what you do, I know that we can use more pages here so I am interested in how you can condense everything into the formats I have seen from the USA.
    email me via my website if you would, then I don't get my email harvested by to many others. Go to the following address: http://www.careerbridge.com.au/contact-us.html
  • Graham Nicholls

    Hi Karen
    You are a bundle of great information, I will look it up.
  • Christian Fauchald

    Ahh, yes. Reminds me of the old adage about men and wine:

    They both begin as grapes... and it's up to women to stomp the **** out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
  • Christian Fauchald

    I'd reply to that, but... they'd probably kick us out of here.

    Back to work.

  • Maya Walker

    Karen! I stumbled on to something just for you...


  • Karen Swim

    Oh Maya, you really are an angel! You perked me right up! Yum!!
  • Heather Gardner

    KAREN! We meet again in another cyber place! I LOVE it! Looking forward to talking with you on Monday! Can you explain the tiny url thing to me as well?
  • Heather Gardner

    Thanks Karen! I think I need to learn both how and why. It looks cool, but I'm sure there is more to it.
  • Karen Swim

    It's super easy! You go to tinyrul.com, copy and paste your url into the box. The shorter url makes it easier to paste into emails, twitter, etc. If using snitter for twitter there's a little icon on the right that snips the url in the same way. ;-)
  • Chris Limboo

    Thanks Karen....It also reminds of the long way of recruiting
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Karen, I'm new to the community and I'm looking forward to networking with great people.

    Have a nice day!

  • Jodi Bach

    Thank you Karen and likewise! I only wish I knew of a VP Sales position for your candidate. I reached out to a friend at Trinet which is a PEO based here in the Bay Area to see if they have anything and will let you know!
  • Karen Finnegan

    Thank you for the warm welcome Karen. I am looking forward to exploring this site some more!
    Have a great day!
  • Scott Sheldon

    Thanks very much and I'll connect with you on LI too, I know what you mean about being homesick, its always great to have good friends where ever you go, that way it always feels a little like home when you get there!
    Hope you're having a great day!
  • Maya Walker

    Dearest Karen,


  • Jeff Dean

    Hi Karen-

    If possible I would like to connect with you for networking purposes down the road. If you are on LinkedIn as well, please feel to connect with me and if you need anything just let me know, http://www.linkedin.com/in/jdean014

  • Mack Will

    Thank Karen and have a great week.
  • Jamie Shimek

    Hi Karen! Thanks for the comment...I am trying to put more detail on my page - just have not commpleted it yet!
    Yes....fun, fun, fun!
    Have a great day!
  • Carlos Adame


    Sounds like you have found a unique niche in business. Would love to find out more.

  • Karen Swim

    Hi Carlos,

    Thank you! I'd love to tell you more! I love what I do and the awesome people I get to help!

  • Valerie Gonyea

    thanks for the add, my friend! Glad to see you're back up and (literally) running! I loved your post about how your awareness changes when you get sick.
  • Reginald J. Miller

    No Problem! I look forward to networking with you as well.
  • Reginald J. Miller

    By the way, call me Reggie.
  • Nilesh Roy

    Just leaving my
    ...............(_/......... footprints while visiting your profile here.
  • Karen Swim

    Nilesh, thanks for leaving your footprints. That is so cool. Mind if I shamelessly steal it? LOL!
  • Kim Green

    Hi Karen,

    I would like to connect on LinkedIn (kimgreentcp@earthlink.net).

  • Kim Green

    Great Karen! See you on LINKEDIN!!!
  • Steven Bonacorsi

    Hi Karen, You are also welcome to add me to your professional network, I am out of LinkedIn Invites, please send me an invite to the LinkedIn and KonnectsURL below.
  • Amitai Givertz

    Karen, thanks for connecting with me on LinkedIn today and your kind note.

    Ami G
  • Joel

    Good to see you here.....

    We have over 250 IT consultants on our W2. We concentrate on C# Dot net, VB Dot Net, Java J2EE, Business Analysis, SAP FICO, BW, HR, Informatica, Data Stage etc.

    I look forward to establishing a mutually benefiting business relationship.

    You can reach me at joelcaresforu@gmail.com
  • Suzanne

    Thanks for adding me up.. interesting blog:)
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Karen ~ great to connect with you via LinkedIn.. look forward to getting to know you more. Have a great week ahead ~~

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks for the twitter invite Karen ~~ following you now as - twitter.com/pinkolivefamily ~

  • Sundar

    Hi Karen,
    I'm from Isoftech Inc.
    I look forward to have a good business relation in near future.
    Have a great day.

  • Dawn Christine Khan

    Hi Karen!!

    Nice to see ya here too! Hey did I mention Chrissie Hynde has a veggie restaurant here in Akron? ;D


    Looking for a Job Order File in a .CSV or .XLS format to test. Does anyone have a list of job orders in Microsoft Excel format that they could send to me?


    Recruiting Professionals Groups:
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/40757/1C84D65718D7
    Ning: http://recruitingpros.ning.com/