Heather Phillips C.A.C. CIR


San Diego

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Financial, Healthcare, Technology
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Ken Rochon


    I am just joining this site. Nice to be on a site with so many dynamic people.

    I was curious if you are also on linked in? Here is my profile for you to check out - http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=2536216

    I would gladly accept an invitation from you.

    Live with passion!

  • Slouch

    Hi Heather, thanks for joining. your page looks great. let me know if you need any help with navigating this sytem or customizing stuff.
  • Scott Sheldon

    Hello Heather,
    thanks for the add, let me know if be of assistance to you in any searches you have going on.
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    How can we collaborate?

    We have an unlimited opportunity to place professionals of all types in ex-patriot assignments in Saudi Arabia. As you may know, there are about 6 million ex-patriots running the country at the operational level, and they “need everything.” They have Midas’s problem, which is they must invest about US$1 billion every week between now and 2020. This represents a monumental opportunity for people “in the know” to put aside a “nest egg” and gain experience at a higher level than one can achieve with similar qualifications and experience in the USA, Europe or Japan.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
    You can link to me on LinkedIn using dlconover@msn.com
  • Jason Nierras

    Hi Heather!

    Thanks so much for the add request. Please feel free to contact me if I may be able to assist you with any recruiting needs, questions, etc.


    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Heather,

    Welcome to the Community. I'm also member of ERE.
    You are invited to join in the group, "The Lighter side of
    Recruiting" on ERE.

    Have a great week!

  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Heather, I'm new to the recruiting community and I'm looking forward to networking and sharing ideas!

  • Cherese DeJesus

    I'll certainly keep an ear out Heather!

    Have a great day!

  • Margie Tosch

    I love Viognier, nice alternative to Chardonnay, usually not oaky like a Chardonnay. Trader Joe's and Costco have some nice wines for incredible value. Panilonco is one from Chile I've been drinking lately from TJs. They carry a Chardonnay/Viognier blend, also a Merlot/Malbec blend and a Carmenere. Only around $5 too! On the higher end Stryker Sonoma makes fabulous wines all around.
  • Jonathan Fest

    Thanks for the feedback on by "Personality Tests" post!

    Would you like to connect?
  • Mark Roachell

    Hi Heather,
    Sorry it has take so long to respond. I have been on ERE mostly, since the Recruiters Round Table went fee based.
    I am doing great.
    I love your web page and all the resources you have on it.
    Very nice.
    How are things going with you?
  • Mohammed Osman

    HI Heather,
    I am a Recruitment consultnat, Pls accpet my invitation.
  • Gavin Chase

    Great to connect from the UK :-)

    Ive launched "Want to be a Big Biller?", a global social site for recruiters wanting to raise or maintain their game. Please take a look and see what you think...

    Hope your day is going well.

  • Bibit

    Hi Heather,
    Looking beautifull,how are you are doing? ...
  • Imran

    Hi This is Imran here how r u doing today
  • C. B. Stalling!!

    i am a recruiter that hire people to the Defense industry. With Top Secret Clearance. I am happy to share people i can't place. I am on Linkin too.
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Rob Guzman

    Hi Heather,
    Thanks for accepting my invitation. I look forward to networking with you.
