William Tincup

55, Male

Fort Worth, Texas

United States

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  • Slouch

    Hello Sir.
  • Slouch

    Hey, do you mean you want to take your blog's rss and hook it in here or do yoiu mean something else.

  • William Tincup

    yeah, that's exactly what i would like to do... how does that happen? hope all is well with you btw...
  • Sindhu Murthy

    Thanks for adding me in your network
  • Melinda Clason

    Thx for the invite!
  • Slouch

    Hey, I won't be there for the conference. If you are around toronto on the 19th of Sept, look me up.
  • jt kaufmann

    You've got to have the best moniker going...what a great name.
    Thanks for contacting.
    Have a great day.
    jt kaufmann
    Human Factor
  • DeeEtta

    Thanks for contacting me and adding me to yur network.
  • Jennifer Taylor

    "Harsh but Fair" - huh, we might have identical headstones....just sayin. Thanks for the invite. JT
  • Slouch

    good talking with you today. we are on for tomorrow just got an email from Cory
  • Alisha Smith

    Just wanted to say that I received an email today titled "Starr Tincup interviews Starr and Tincup" - Just wanted to say it was awesome!
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi J. William,

    Great being connected with you here!

    Drop by my social neck of the woods anytime.

  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Hey William glad to be connected. I have been out of the country the past two weeks sorry for the late reply!
  • Brian White

    Eight years and three degrees? It took me almost that long to get just one. I'm just sayin...
  • Rajkumari Gooptu

    Hi from Bangalore, thanks for connecting!
  • Kinsley Lee

    Hi! William
    Thank you for invitation to your network. Wish to get connections. Best Regards. Kinsey
  • Susan Burns

    Thanks for the invite! I hear many fabulous things about you and your work and look forward to building the connection further! Cheers - Susan