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  • Leo Cozmiuc

    Hi Slouch..
    Great Network you developed.. You are amazing...
    Are you also on academic networks ?
    See my profiles at:
  • Chris Gould

    It was great meeting you and thanks for the hat! I am hoping to make it to Recruitfest in April!
  • Gavin Chase

    Thank you ;-0
  • Stephanie Marberry, Ph.D.

    Slouch- Contact me to set up the keenhire video contest per Margaret Graziano! Let me know what you need to make it happen. Thanks, Stephanie Marberry
  • Carmen Hudson

    Jason - so great to meet you in Florida. Thank you so much for dinner and great conversation. FYI, you had the best booth at ERE. Loved the blogger's lounge; I met several very cool people just by hanging out on the couches. LMK when you plan to be in Seattle!
  • Michael Marlatt

    Jason-I enjoyed meeting you at ERE. There's no excuse for not being online sooner other than I must confess I've been completely slacking. Glad to finally be here... Rock on!
  • Susanna Boyd

    He's doing great. We're really blessed to have several jobs going right now. We just redid the site. You should check it out and let me know what you think.

    On a side note, I did launch the NING group for Papercrafters -- We shot past 1000 members this week and I got my first advertiser. I'd love for you to shoot me an email at and let me know how you figure out fair costs for advertisements. Heck, any advice on the site would be great. I have to hire someone to make me a custom widget for the photo area -- it's unmanageable the way it is now.
  • Jerome Ternynck

    Thanks Jason. Very nice meeting you as well. Look forward to contributing more here. Things (registrations) are picking up really nice on smartrecruiters so this should be fun.
  • Colette Grey

    Thanks, Jason! Glad to meet you. I'm sure I could spend all morning just reviewing your site and thinking about what to change/add to mine! I obviously have some work to do. At the moment, however, I need to head for the gym for my daily fix. Chat with you later. Thanks again.
  • Kristen Durkin

    Hi Jason,

    It was good to see you at ERE, Fall in HollyWood Beach, Fl last week. I hope the conference was a great success for you!

    Happy Blogging!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    love the stats on the page ~ and 13, 432 members? hmm.. that's 6,568 away from 20K ... nice! btw - you "do" take breaks right? :P
  • Russell S. Moon III

    she was very helpful and said she was putting me on the "list". I think I am in, just waiting for the harder details.
  • Lizz

    See U at kennedy?

    hope all is well with U - glad blog is growing!
  • Beth Sawicz

    I appreciate sites like this, so thank you! I am new to blogging but am excited about learning more.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Congrats on the line up for Recruitfest in April '09 - speakers & networking panelists. ~ Have a great time at Kennedy conf in Florida ~ best!
  • Dan Nuroo

    Hey Jason, can't see myself making the big trek for Recruitfest 09, hopefully lots of videos can make their way on line here... and potentially (please, please, please) a RBC hat to Melbourne, Australia, to help validate my addiction of course :)
  • Lizz

    Wanted to pass along a BIG thanks for providing the cybercafe at the Kennedy conf. It was fantastic, great place to hang out and always sweet to be able to get email taken care of.

    Missed your face in the place though - hope we can reconnect soon.
  • Saif Khan

    Hi Slouch
    This is saif khan a request with you to add option here like online friends as here its showing firends list as weel as it should show
    online firends if you can add this it will be great.
    And i am sorry if you dont like my advise .

    Saif Khan
  • Saif Khan

  • Saif Khan

    Ok fine not a problem.
  • Lizz

    send me info on Recruiting Fest. I am very interested in presenting with the group. Let me know your thoughts or contacts on that question.
  • Kunal

    Hi there,
    I have one question for you.
    When I tried psoting a comment on one of the posts, It said your comment needs to be approved.
    so who approves my comment? the person who posted it or admin of RBC?
  • Kunal

    Thanks Slouch.
  • mattmartone


    Sorry Ive been absent. Just sayin hi. Trying to spend some time on RBC and add value. Hope all is well. Have a happy thanksgiving. Someone told me you guys up there celebrate too eh. :)
  • Faisal Javed

    Hey Slouch,

    Is there a way on by which we can find who all are online?

  • Margaret Graziano

    Slouch.....I wanted to send an email to my friends, I composed it and it wont let me send because it is to more than 100 people. The system should tell you that before you compose....yes? please advise.

    Happy Thanksgiving
  • Faisal Javed

    thanks for accepting my invite

  • Steve Fogarty

    Yes it has...But now I'm fire...and this is the place to be.
  • Aasia

    Yep for sure! Def Canadian :)
  • Wanda Kartal

    Thanks for BD wish
  • Armanda

    thanks for the invite slouch!
  • Steve Fogarty

    Hey Jason--I noticed that when you click on my name listed under the RecruitFest track leaders section it brings up an error page. Can you link this to my Thanks dude!
  • James Zinman

    Hey Jason: Not sure if you remeber me. We met at your office a few years back. I have since started my own tech recruiting firm and would like your suggestions on the following:

    Which recruiting conferences would you most highly recommend
    Any advice between Sendouts, MaxHire, or Hiredesk?

    I am looking at taking on a business partner in Toronto, anyone that you may be able to suggest. I have been very succsfull in landing clients I need someone that is very strong from a business process and recruitment team lead point of view? At the very least I would like to set up a local (Toronto) mindshare group for 4-5 people to meet once a month or so to share ideas etc. Anyone you know that is may be interested in something like this?


    James Zinman
  • Sarah White

  • Jerry Albright

    Now who in the world would be that stupid??? Me?
  • Jerry Albright

    I did happen to notice was still available.....
  • Dawn Williams

    do you know a recruiter out of Toronto named Alan Gilmore?
  • James Zinman

    Thanks for the invite Jason. I would love to get together for lunch. I live in the Bloor West Village area but am happy to commute. Name the time and place and I'll be there.


  • James Zinman

    Sounds good.

  • James Zinman

    Thanks Jason. I'll see you there tomorrow.

  • Gopinath Karunamoorthy

    Hey Slouch, wud be great to accept your invite. Cheers, Gopi
  • Dan Nuroo

    Mate.. got that hat today... thanks so much.... would love to come to Recruitfest, not sure my wife would go for it instead of our Fiji holiday for our anniversary though...

    Wearing the hat as i type! Thanks again
  • Bill Radin

    Thanks, I really appreciate it. By the way, I'm about to post a blog. Any helpful tips -- or should I just post it and learn from the comments?
  • Bill Radin

    Got it. I posted it as a blog post, but if I understand correctly, it would be better suited as a discussion item, not a "here's what I think" sort of deal.

    On another topic, I'll be gearing up for my Winter 2009 seminar tour (yes, I still give seminars in person for those who like 8 hours of individual attention, role-playing, etc.). Is there an appropriate way for me to get the word out on recruitingblogs that's not ill-mannered as per your protocol? I see that other trainers are active in the blogosphere, but I want to be considerate of your members.
  • Bill Radin


    Thank You Guru :)
  • PJ Cunningham

    Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes. I indeed had a great birthday, in spite of catching the cold/flu (or I should say it "caught" me!!). Hence the delay in response.

    Thank you so much for this site, it has been very helpful and I have made many friends in this community. Happy Holidays!!
  • Greg Kost

    thank you brother...
  • Bret Starr

    Today was a good day! Good week, too. Next week's going to be even better. I don't know why, but I've been filled with such optimism over the past several weeks. I feel good things coming our way.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jason ~ looks like latest activity is working now.. so thx - but what happens to the old ones? Just to keep track for myself here.. so just a quick inquiry. Also, would like to talk to you at some point. Thx.