Rachel Francis


Miami, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Jim Canto

    Thanks. I do know about your company. I'd like to connect and learn more as time goes on. Thanks. - Jim
  • Jim Canto

    Also.. to save you the time of going around and stamping everyone's profile with the same message.. why don't you look for the healthcare group under the group section and then start a discussion in there about you and your service. You can also use your blog here on RBC as a good tool for self promotion.
  • Jim Canto

    Here the link which will take you to the group here on RBC for Medical and Health Care. We'd love to have you there.

  • Nancy Caputo

    go ahead and forward information to my email address: nancy.caputo@jwt.com
  • Recruitnik

    Thanks for the invite but my company is retail, not healthcare
  • Jim Canto

    You're welcome. Glad I could help. There are a lot of GREAT folks on this site. Take your time, make some connections and build some relationships. The business will follow.

    See you around.
    - Jim
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hello Rachel,

    Please e mail me some info....



  • Medical Recruiter

    Sure, I would like more info. My email address is tvohs@umshealth.com

  • Jason Buss

    I haven't - I will check it out.

  • Jon P. Meredith

    Hi Rachel,

    Thank you for the invite. We are still hiring but most of our healthcare contacts now are on the business and IT side. We have worked on the provider side of healthcare in the past though. Without any potential positions available I would not want to waste any candidate's times by just gethering resumes. I am not sure if we are going to be getting into the provider positions before spring of next year.

    Thank you again. I wish you success in your career fair!
  • Jason Buss

    bussjj (at) gmail dot com
  • Jon P. Meredith

    My pleasure! Thank you again for letting me know. Miami Lakes is in our neighborhood and would of been easy to get to.
  • Laurie

    Can you please send me your resume so that I can show it to my boss?
  • Claudia Faust

    Hi Rachel, and thanks for the heads up abou the job fair. I won't be attending as a vendor or hiring company, but I'll be happy to post the event information for you on the South Florida Recruiters group over on ERE. Send me the information you'd like to post at claudia@improvedexperience.com.
