Jordan Shaw


Kirkland, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Services, Technology
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Manu Mittal

    Hi Jordan

    Whats up......I am Manu Mittal working as a Resource Manager with one of the IT Staffing Company in New Jersey.

    What is your profile ............

    Manu Mittal
    732 361 4968
  • Manu Mittal

    Hi Jordan

    It was very nice to know about you, do let us know if we can assist you to fill any of you client requirements on Corp to Corp.

    As we do have consultant available on various skill sets.

    I would also request you to add me in your network ...

    Thanks have great day ahead......

    Manu Mittal
    732 361 4968
  • Megan Schiller

    You wouldn't happen to know any Scientific recruiter in your area, would you? :)
  • Casey J. Brinkman

    Thanks for joining my network! If I can help with anything let me know. Have a wonderful week!

    Casey Brinkman
  • Leslie O Connor

    Hey Jordan - great to put a face to the name finally. How's life in the Pacific Northwest - are you enjoying the new gig? Let's definitely keep in touch.

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Jordan,

    Thanks for your note.. Yes.. if we decide to go ahead with this 100%, I will definitely follow up with you on it..(esp. Facebook) We are still discussing it but thanks for your info. Greatly appreciated. I will follow up with you soon. All the best~

  • Susan Kang Nam

    p.s. I re-read your comment..and sure.. do send me your URL link.. and I'll be happy to check it out..
  • Lisa Freeman

    Hey Jordan...thanks for the add! "Hello" from Gig Harbor to Kirkland....
    go Seahawks!!

    Best wishes....

  • JackChang

    Hi Jordan, thanks for your post on creating career page on Facebook and MySpace. Great idea. Hope to connect to you here and LinkedIn! (Profile

    Btw, if you have some requirement, you can go to my site: to search thousands of passive IT candidates for free. Thanks.

  • JackChang

    Great Jordan, thank you for accepting. Keep connecting. -Jack
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jordan ~ sent you a note!
    have a safe trip :)

  • Nancy Ford

    Jordan! Thanks for your comment on my blog. You add some very good points there - some for recruiters and candidates alike. I appreciate it. :)