

Mumbai, maharashtra


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Which industries do you work in now?
Financial, Services, Technology, Other

Comment Wall:

  • Lance

    I'd say those are the three things that make up my life pretty much!
  • Lance

    I listen to a little bit of everything, but some of my favs are Faith No More, Ben Folds, The Police, Big Wreck, King's X, my own band of course...and Jellyfish which was the best band ever...except for maybe Queen. You?
  • Kunal

    I listen to lots of heavy metal - my favs are SOAD, Korn and lot more ohh and your band of couse.
    and I like Elvis and beatles as well.
  • Kunal

    yeah thank you for the request and you too have a great weekend
  • Kunal

    Oh yeah my friend. I am hear to save the Xion. How bout you RockStar??
  • Kunal

    That's what I am talking about. thanks for the video
    Hey RockStar, your name sugest det you are fond of Rock music. am i right?
  • Gunjan

  • Kunal

    sure I do my friend.
  • Kunal

    Hey Kiran
    Doin Ok and hope the same for you.
    can you help me out with Serena ChangeMan ZMF guys.
    couple of contact numbers should do.
  • Zainab

    Hi Kay,

    Mail me on zzaidi@antal.com

  • Kumar Bodapati

    Hi Kay
  • Priya Ramani

    Hi Kay,

    Hi Kay,

    So sorry couldn't reply earlier.I'm new project and it is absolutely crazy at work.Can you mail some details on pacerecruiter@rediffmail.com.I would surely mail you my numbers to take this forward.


  • Priya Ramani

    Oops for the double text always rushed :-)
  • anshu

    hi Kay.
    this is Anshu this side from PNIT. its a NJ based company have a office at New Delhi also.
    let me know if i can be any assistance for you in your business needs.
  • Bibit

    Hi Kay....
  • 01. Lonnie McRorey

    MIke Johnson is head of sales for www.avature.net Avature just won an award for their recruiting CRM. Don't have his contact number but he does participate in recruitingblogs.


  • Jake Stupak

    Hello Kay,

    Great question about ATSs. I'm going to be presenting a webinar next week that I haven't really advertised entitled - Simply the Hiring Process - An Introduction to Applicant Tracking Systems. It is an educational webinar which could help you understand the follow:
    - Basics of ATSs
    - Common ATS benefits
    - Considerations when selecting an ATS
    - How to correctly do a trial of an ATS

    This will be held next Wednesday (19th) at 1:00 PM CST. I will be doing a the same one again in mid-December which I will be doing a lot of advertising, however, I welcome you and you team to join this one. If you are interested, please feel free to join: Click Here to Register.

    Best of luck!
    Jake Stupak
  • Priya Ramani

    Hi Kay,

    I am doing just fine.How are you these days? I would be going to Dubai for some training for a couple of days.I was in Pune earlier this week.Seems travel is on my cards this month.

  • Faisal Javed

    If you are submitting 3 candidates for each position provided by your client and client is interviewing only 1 than there is a question on pre-screening.
    Understand my point, if you had already asked all the relevant questions, screened his skills, took references and checked with him whether he had been to that client or not than there is no question of rejecting any of your candidate...

  • Slouch

    the person who posted the post you commented on. when you post a blog post or a forum discussion you have the choice to moderate comments.
  • Faisal Javed

