Bill Radin


Cincinnati, OH

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Bill. How are you?
  • Rosie Gonzales

    Hey Bill...we met at the CSP conference in San Diego on Friday & Saturday (5/30 & 31) How's it going?
  • Dave Mendoza

    Thanks for the nice note!

    I noticed your profile was relative empty. I was wondering where you work and how I can be of help?

    Please send me your complete contact info :)

    Dave Mendoza
  • Slouch

    Hey Bill. i mentioned you in a comment here on this post
  • Slouch

    Hey Bill. if what you are posting is something you think will become or is more of a conversation, I would post it as a forum discussion. If it is a more of a stream of thought or a this is what i think and I don't really care what you think, put is a blog post
  • Slouch

    I would delete the blog post and add it as a forum discussion. Ill get in touch with you today possibly tomorrow about the other thing
  • PJ Cunningham

    Hi Bill, I would like your blessing to reprint some of your entries as you full credit. May I have your blessing?

  • Amitai Givertz

    Thanks for the connect, Bill. maybe we can synch up in the New Year. In the meantime, have a good one!