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  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks Jason for looking into that.. and as for this afternoon - I'm around between 12 - 1:30pm - does that work for you ~ and yes I have your number. thx
  • Susan Kang Nam

    ok. just called you ~ and left a number where I can be reached. thx. I'll be around until 1:30 or so. best.
  • Jerry Albright

    Lovin' the new hat! Thanks JD.
  • The Sales Lounge

    Hello Slouch. Curious where I could reach you. I am America's first Sales Stylist and CEO of The Sales outside of Washington DC. I held a social media edge program here in DC and had a recruiter present to pilot the program. She is getting fabulous results. Curious if there are any partnership opportunities to bring my content to other recruiters?

    Thanks..and great job on the site!

    Jennifer Abernethy
    The Sales
  • Paul Westmoreland

    Maybe ERE in San Diego in 2005 or 06?
  • Paul Westmoreland

    I remember now, and you're right I didn't present that well there, I didn't prepare well. Good bumping into you again, and nice job on the site.
  • Dave Staats

    Jason! I have been busy and not around for quite a while. Will "where did my profile go?" be one of those questions that will have regulars laughing?
  • Chuck Radcliff

    How can I get a RBC hat?
  • praveena joseph

    how can i meet all a time...looking for my business expansion.
  • Keeley Mitchell-Wallace

    Hey Jason.
    We have not formally met. I hope someday to make it to one of events and meet you. Until then, I guess we have this avenue. I am reaching out to you because I am interested in maybe creating a roundtable for legal recruiters that would address legal recruiting issues as well as introduce our unique breed to the greater community of recruiters so they can learn how there can be a symbiotic relationship. Let me know if something like that interest you.
  • Lizz

    Hey there,

    just a quick note to wish you a very merry, merry and a happy, happy.

    site is great and I enjoy being a part of the community!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Happy Holidays Jason to u and ur beautiful family ~ Thanks for all you are doing and more to come in '09 Best!! ~ Susan
  • George LaRocque

    Jason, just wanted to send you a quick note - I hope you are enjoying the Holiday season and that the New Year fulfills all of it's potential for you, your family, and your business.

    I hope we can find a way to work together in 2009 - and when show season starts again I'll be looking forward to seeing you and sharing a beverage or two.

    All my best,

  • praveena joseph

    I am extermely sorry....i am new to this site

    Thanks and Regards
    Praveena joseph.G
  • Rolfe

    Hi Slouch,

    would you be interested in setting up a ? I think with the right promotion it would go a storm in the UK
  • David Jacks

    Thanks for the birthday wish...Have a happy & healthy New Year
  • Brianne Shintaku

    When I hit Sign Out, it just refreshes the page. I can't email a message to you directly as requested. The page just says "done" but the message won't send! Thank s again!

  • Patrick Frost


    I like the look of the new layout! Thank you for all you do.

  • Rolfe

    Hi "Slouch",

    A community site in the UK is ripe for the taking, it is something that I have wanted to do for some time now but I just don't have the expertise, I belive that if the site was set up to give lots of free information to the commuity to help them in their daily work I believe it would encourage them to attend the site more often and make it a genuine site for debate about the industry, so I suppose I am saying that if you partner with companies who are pledged to give help and advice for free to members (in the guise of selling products to them) in the fields of IT, HR, Legal, Accounting etc all the things a small business might need, then I believe that advertising revenue would follow. I have been a senior manager in recruitment for over 15 years and I know if done properly it would be a great site for ALL recruiters at any level. You could add advice on how to be a great consultant/Manager/Regional/Director/Owner and I would be happy to initially answer the recruitment questions posed on the site until a greop of specialists could be gathered. I also suggest a directory of companies for client to find the right ones, and an area where clients could moan about the industry when they have a problem, I have loads of ideas which were formulated while I was completing my MBA, I know they would be great only if a site like the one you have created was the backbone of the service.
  • Rolfe

    Happy New year!! to you and yours
  • dugie

    Hi Jason,

    just a thought, is there a classified/marketplace section on this site where one can exchange, trade, barter, sell, post their products and services outside of going to the individual groups? if there is, is there a way one can post anonymously.

    (i.e. webinars, cheat sheets, training materials/services, subscription services, etc) just to name a few..

  • Susan Kang Nam

    very creative Jason re: 150 ~ always innovative thinking on this site.. esp for a twitter addict myself - this is very interesting.. best with this! ps. Happy New Year '09 ~ looking very promising for RBC no doubt.
  • Jenn Asson

    This is a really great site. I'm glad that I found it. Hopefully good things can come out of being a part of this site.
  • Chad Sowash

    Dude, not everywhere although more places than usual ;o)
  • James Zinman

    Happy New Year Jason. Let me know when you need a drummer!

  • ganesh.b

    iam a fresher to the US IT recruitment , i need some information regarding US TAX terms , how to source from this recruiting
  • Sara Alvarado

    Is the "Smart Recruiter" Contest closed?
  • Chantel

    Thanks so much for the birthday greeting! Don't worry - I will have fun! :-)
  • Bill Radin

    Hi there! I'm getting the "Yikes!" error message when uploading a video. Can you advise? As far as I can tell, I'm not doing anything differently than before, and I'm following the Ning guidelines.
  • Bill Radin

    Did it -- waited 20 minutes and it loaded like a charm! Thanks!
  • Brett Broussard

    Slouch - thanks for the birthday wish. Congrats on 666 comments (spooky).
  • Dan Nuroo

    Hey JD, Thanks for putting my comment on the first page... made my day.. very cool.
  • Joe Gerstandt

    My pleasure, thanks again to you and Susan for the opportunity.
  • David Manaster

    Thanks Jason!
  • William Tincup

    i have a new set of questions coming out next week - how about this - you'll be the first to get the questions... how bout dem apples?
  • Vera Orsova

    Nice to know someone remembers me :) I can't return the complimant, since I don't think I ever met you...sorry

    Things are slow at Logitech right now, but that gives me time to get ready for action in FY10
    How about you?
  • John Goodman

    Jason, thanks for selecting my tip as the tip of the day. I'm honored! Have a great weekend and keep up the good work.
  • Jerry Albright

    I spent the earlier part of today with my two boys at Camp Chief Little Turtle Rendevous for the area Boy Scouts/Cub Schouts. RBC got plenty of visibility on the sledding slopes.

    What are you doing here on a Saturday night? You've worked hard all week - take a break! This will all be here for you Monday......

    As for me - I'm digging through all my sources to find several C++ Gurus for a long-term contract in Manhatten. Feel free to pass the word.

    Have you checked out Absolutely ANY song in the world is right there. Free to play. I'm starting to think even iPods are old news........amazing.
  • Kunal

    Hi JD,
    I was visiting couple of profiles on RBC for example Jerry's.
    When I opened Jerry's page, the song “Smokin” started playing automatically. Dave Mendoza's page has the same feature.
    I have added one song on my page but it does not play automatically.
    Please tell me how to activate this feature on my page.

    Thanks in advance
  • Greggory Lawson

    I keep getting friend requests, but when I click the email link it just brings me to my friend page. How do I accept these requests?
  • Greggory Lawson

    I see the two head tab at the top of my page by my name and it brings me back to the same page as the email link. I was able to accept one invitation from this page, but the rest are not showing up. I think there may be a problem with my profile. Below is the email link that should allow me to accept Ken's invitation...can you check it out?
  • Greggory Lawson

    Sorry to keep going back and fourth, but I was able to accept one friend and since then I am not able to view new friend requests on that page. I have seen what it looks like to accept a request, but it hasn't shown up for my last 3 invitations. Can you try sending me one and see if I can accept yours?
  • Kim

    Hi, Sorry I didnt get back to you. Been outa touch for awhile. Question: How do you see recruiting in the 1st quarter of 09? What do you recruit on? What got you into this site/blog..?
  • Bill Radin

    I really enjoyed our "hour" together on Tuesday, and was glad we got to cover so much ground. Your insights were invaluable, and I'd be glad to invite any of our members to contact me with questions or to discuss recruiter-related issues.
  • Michael Johnson

    Thanks buddy. Let's connect later today. I have a few meetings this morning including my hour with John Sumser. I'll give you a call.
  • sheila Greco

    Jason, I like some of the new changes you have made recently. Great job!
  • William Tincup

    yo, homes, i need to send you the list of questions for the next blog series... is the talentid the best one to use? hollatchaboy. jwt
  • Scott Hendrickson

    Hey Slouch, Thanks for the response on my blog. I appreciate it.

    Scott Hendrickson
  • Kristen Durkin

    Hey Jason,

    That's the link. Granted, the page needs some work, but this is me volunteering and needing more time!

  • M A

    Happy Birthday!!!
    From Alex and Maha, The Toronto Bopsy Twins :-)