Josh Arnold


Gloucester, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Conglomerates, Financial, Healthcare, Industrial, Services, Technology, Other
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Josh Arnold

    call me at 978-281-3634 or email me directly at or
    happy to chat with you and have jobs we could use some help on, in fact we have some we are offering on a 60/40 split with your end getting the 60 %

    Best Regards

    Josh arnold


    Thank you for the invite. I would love to network!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Angel Pacubas
    Unlimited MedSearch
    Franchise Owner
  • Paul DeBettignies

    I am the “Admin” for the Recruiters On LinkedIn group, You have recently joined and this is a "welcome" to the group and "here is how it works".

    Over the past year I have been experimenting how best to facilitate members being able to connect with each other. Some want to connect with everyone and some are looking for a few meaningful connections.

    1-2 times per week I send a group introduction message with 10-15 new members and reintroducing others.

    What this means for you is simple, do you wish to be introduced to the group?

    You have 4 options from which to choose:

    (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with anyone and everyone.

    (B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.

    (C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.

    (D) “Super Open Networker” which is (A) plus having your contact information on the group page.

    A caution on the “Open Networker”, you may be inundated with invitations to connect. For some this is exactly what they are hoping for and others this could be a pain.

    I do ask, if you receive invitations from members you do not want to connect with that you “Archive” the message versus “I don’t know” so the sender is not penalized by LinkedIn although how you handle this is up to you.

    Again your options are (A), (B), (C), (D).

    Please include your LinkedIn URL and email address you prefer to receive invitations and send to

    Thank you for your time.


  • Str

    Dear Josh,
    My name is Pradeep, a MSEE Graduate student from The University of Texas. I am looking for an Internship and/or an entry level full time position in the Electrical and Communications Engineering field. For Internship, I am available from January 2009 and for a regular full time position from May 2009.
    I will be glad if you can add me to your network and also help me in my job search by informing me of any opportunities you know.
  • Sandy White

    Hi Josh,
    Thank you for connecting .. I look forward to the potential of working together. My expertise has been in the Sales and HR arenas on a national level .. ironically, much of this has been in the northeast (Waltham/Burlington).

    Here's to a successful new year !