Irina Shamaeva


Berkeley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

First Name
Last Name
Country (Pick One)
United States of America
State (if Applicable)
Job Title (select one)
Which industries do you work in now?
Technology, Utilities, All Industries, Financial, Industrial, Other
How many employees work at your company?
B. 2-10
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Cool image on your profile! Best regards, Skip
    View Donald L. (
  • Ray Towle

    Welcome Irina,

    Great graphic. All the Best!

  • Dr. Janice Presser

    Hi Irina - I don't know Sue, at least not yet!
  • Erica Jayne Walsh


    Are you still attending SourceCon? If so, any interest in networking offline?

    - Erica
  • Irina Shamaeva

    Hi Erica,

    My son just started Kindergarten so I felt like I couldn't go (though I really wanted to!). It was his 2nd day today and he's been doing great so far.
    Hope to go next year.
  • Irina Shamaeva


    Thanks for your message. Our jobs are full time regular. They are with a very large global consulting company. Locations are US nationwide. (We do not work with contractors at this time.) The jobs are posted on our site and are open to 50/50 splits.

    Best regards,
  • Muralidhar Kasyapa

    Hi Irina,

    I would apprecite if you can help me out in learning how to source profiles fom networking sites for active Jobs.

  • Muralidhar Kasyapa

    Hi Irina,

    I have read your blog. I tried to get consultants through networking sites but most of them are passive. I wonder how you are able to get through these sites. I appreciate if you could help me out.

  • Ravikiran

    HI Irena. Thanks for adding me.
  • Paul DeBettignies

    I am the “Admin” for the Recruiters On LinkedIn group, You have recently joined and this is a "welcome" to the group and "here is how it works".

    Over the past year I have been experimenting how best to facilitate members being able to connect with each other. Some want to connect with everyone and some are looking for a few meaningful connections.

    1-2 times per week I send a group introduction message with 10-15 new members and reintroducing others.

    What this means for you is simple, do you wish to be introduced to the group?

    You have 4 options from which to choose:

    (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with anyone and everyone.

    (B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.

    (C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.

    (D) “Super Open Networker” which is (A) plus having your contact information on the group page.

    A caution on the “Open Networker”, you may be inundated with invitations to connect. For some this is exactly what they are hoping for and others this could be a pain.

    I do ask, if you receive invitations from members you do not want to connect with that you “Archive” the message versus “I don’t know” so the sender is not penalized by LinkedIn although how you handle this is up to you.

    Again your options are (A), (B), (C), (D).

    Please include your LinkedIn URL and email address you prefer to receive invitations and send to

    Thank you for your time.


  • Irina Shamaeva

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your message.
    I am a “Super Open Networker”.
    I'd like to invite the group members to try my favorite Broadlook products at

    Irina Shamaeva

    Hey Hie Irina,

    Glad to see that you have good expertise in SAP requirements, well i've excellent resources available right now on ABAP,SD/MM.BI/BW, & FICO, kindly post me across your valuable job roles on, so that i can try my very best to source you my best resource on priority.

    Rajesh Mangam
    Resource Manager
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Irina ~

    Thank you for the invite ~ and happy to accept. You have started a great group here in Recruitingblogs and I can see a great future for the group for sure. Thanks again for reaching out.. and by the way.. Berkeley rocks! My cousin with to Berkeley.. and we used to live south of that area.. well.. more like Cupertino :) but.. always loved Oakland.. for sure. Best wishes ~

  • Dan Nuroo

    Hi Irina,

    Welcome to the "Support Group" :)

  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Irina,

    It's a pleasure to connected with you here.
    Lovely picture of you and your son!

    I invite you to drop by my social neck of the woods anytime.

  • Asif Akhtar Nizami

    Hi Irina,

    Please check settings of your "Boolean Strings" as admin that I just joined. I changed my own email settings here at RecruitingBlogs but I still keep getting an email for every member who joins the group. I haven't received such alerts for other groups that I am member of here at RecruitingBlogs. You would like to check the settings to have this group stop sending an email alert to every existing member every time a new member joins.


    Asif Akhtar Nizami
  • Asif Akhtar Nizami

    All right. Thanks a lot!
  • Becky Pulley

    I am often refferred to as the "Networking Queen" I sincerely love people. My passion has always been to HELP OTHERS and put the right people together. Thank you for offerring one more way to Learn & Serve.
  • Claudia Faust

    Hi Irina, and thanks for suggesting we connect! I look forward to networking and learning from you here on RBC.

    Warm regards,

  • Claudia Faust

    Thanks so much! I hope you'll consider to jump into the conversations here and there,

  • Dr Simon Harding

    Thank you for joining Think Oil !
  • Christian Juan

    Thank you for the add!
  • Rithesh Nair

    hello - thanks for the add
  • Rithesh Nair

    thanks again .. I don't get much time to work on it..try to update more frequently next yr...:)
  • Alon Kim Dacquel


    It's good to be connected. I've read several of your responses to threads around here and I like the way you think. I noticed you lived in the Bay Area, I worked in San Francisco just last month. I definitely think we can help each other out in the future.

    By the way, what led you to starting Brain Gain Recruiting?
  • Melissa Furtwengler

    Hello Irina
    Thanks for the friendship.
    I just open a new group here Wanted Scientists
    that may be of interest to you and you may want to join.
    2009 could be a great year.

  • Jennifer LaVigne

    Thanks for the add Ms.Irina! Hope we can share and exchange some helpful tips/advice/information in the future:) Looking forward to that. Have a good day!
  • Judith Mare

    thanks for adding me.hope we can work together and achieve our goal and share our thoughts