56, Female


United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Healthcare
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Comment Wall:

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks Angel ~ for connection and look forward to getting to know you via RBC! Have a great day~

    All the best,


    PS - love vegas !~ lots of relatives living there.. and used to live in Vegas myself way back.. :)
  • JohnWilson

    Hi it was very happy to see you here, :)

    I am John Wilson working as account manager in Cat Technologies Inc. (NJ based Software and staffing com)
    I wanted to touch base with you to explore the opportunity with your organization. We would like to get associated with you in across job orders/ requirements. We being a software company ourselves it makes us the right choice in understanding the actual client need and delivering in short span of time. Pls let me know a convenient time to touch base either through phone or in person and will be happy to discuss the proposal in details. (
  • Mike Nale

    Aloha Angel

    Oh you guys must be missing Maui. Lets connect soon I can be reached at

    I miss Maui something terrible! I would love to connect. My email is

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Angel,

    Thank for the invite! I'm on Oahu! Do you have any friends who are Architects ? Have a great weeek!

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Angel...

    Wow the holiday weekend went by soooo fast. I don't remember what I did since it was a blur. Hope you had a great one!

  • Mat Apodaca

    You too Angel, I appreciate it! I lived in Vegas from 2001-2004 and am missing the weather right about now!
  • Faisal Javed

    my plzr...