Dave Mendoza


Castle Rock

United States

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  • Isabel

    Hi Dave,

    Not sure if I was able to thank you for adding me to your list and for introducing me to recruitingblogs. This is a great site! and an amazing way to expand network. Hey! I look forward to explore any way of networking with you..let me know if there's anything that I can be of help.

  • Jennifer Burks

    Hi Dave, thanks for the info on RecruitingBlogs.com and adding me to your LinkedIn network. Looking forward to future networking opportunities.
    Have a good one!
  • Amanda (amanda@sasfci.com)

    Hi Dave, thanks for the invitation. Do you recruit corp to corp in SAS?

  • Mir Moiz

    Thanks, Dave.
    Appreciate it.
    - MIR
  • Mir Moiz

    For a bit about me!
    My name is Mir Moiz and I have been working in the area of 'Information Systems' for the past seven years.
    My primary area of expertise is WEB Technologies.

    You can review my LinkedIn profile here:

    For all things WEB you can contact me anytime.
    moosavi [at] gmail.com

    - MIR
  • Lance Haun

    Dave, Good to meet in person today at the Recruiting Roadshow. Hope to get together again soon.
  • Nancy Ford

    Hi Dave! It was a pleasure to meet you last Friday at the Portland Recruiting Roadshow. I appreciate all you do for the recruiting profession!
  • Scott Love

    You a poker player? Saw the photo on your page.

    I do recruiter training and used to be a former professional card counting blackjack player (was trained by the MIT blackjack team) but now I play in poker tournaments. (My keynote speaking brand is www.nolimitachievement.com and I use game theory as a way to explain business ideas and concepts). My recruiter training site is www.recruitingmastery.com.
    Take care,
    Scott Love
  • Chris Bell

    Thanks Dave
  • Michele

    Thanks for the add. Keep up the great work!
  • Jonathan Fest


    We are connected through LinkedIn and I enjoyed the assistance that "Six Degrees" has provided me in growing that network.

    I had a conversation with Shally at the Fordyce Forum and he had extremely good comments about the direction you are headed.

    Hope to connect here.

  • Jonathan Fest

    Just saw the video wrap-up of the 1st annual RB poker tournament. Was that 8th place out of a couple thousand?

    Sounds like there are a few poker playing recruiters(gambling nature) maybe the tournament can be expanded the second year?
  • Jay Perreault {DCTechRecruiter}


    Thank you for linking up. If you want to learn more about me or a variety of contacts, please visit me at http://www.linkedin.com/in/dctechrecruiter. Please let me know if I may be able to help you out with anything.


  • Deena Pierott

    Hey there Dave, thanks for the invite - I'm still learning the group and working my way around it. Very impressive!

  • Tim

    Hi Dave - have been a fan from afar and being new to this blog, I wanted to post a big THANKS!

  • Rafael Montilla

    Hi Dave,

    It is just to say that your freind is very nice.

    She will look wanderfull on this modern chair

    I am sorry for saying this but she is hot!!!!!
  • Jim Lauckner

    OK - I've just looked up and researched and sent notes to a couple dozen people here. I just returned from vacation and I am trying to use this site more as I am new to it. I keep seeing how YOU referred people to this site and they are the same people I'm sending intro's to. Let's connect. Let me know what I can do to help you with this site and your other businesses.
  • Noel Reidy

    Hey Dave,

    Nice pics, the vineyards are making me thirsty!

  • vikas gupta

    Thank you Day, if you want to know more about me please visit www.veltronics.com and www.omr-solutions.com

    Please let me know if I am of any help to you


    vikas gupta
    Director veltronics India Pvt Ltd
    91 9301515381
  • Kent G Aanderson

    Thank you for the add
    Like to ask people what would they do if they were me .
    Like you to vist kent anderson bismarck my space
    and my web page www.futurevisionaries.com
    Fraud ..agreement of sept 2004
    Home USA 1701-223-0639
  • JackChang

    Thanks for inviting me to such a great network, Dave.
    Let's keep connecting!

  • BaMae Cavazos

    Thanks for the invite! I'm new to recruitingblogs, but it's already proven to be a great place to be!
  • rogerio Martinho

    HI Dave Thanks for the invite!
  • Dawn Christine Khan

    Dave!! How are you doing these days?? You keepin CO in order for me? :D

    Hey feel free to join our Ning group and I will let you create a presence for you on the Recruiting Pros! And OH MY GOODNESS are you and Recruiting Blogs Loved! :D



    LinkedIn Recruiting Pros http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/40757/1C84D65718D
  • Rupesh Walls

    Thnks for your Invitation
    SO currently on which Requirement u r working on?
  • Janelle Delgado

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Dalina Tobar-Rottman

    Thanks for the invote Dave!
  • Andrew Peters

    Greetings from Singapore !!!
  • Hentati

    Thanks for your Invitation
  • Eswar

    Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the Invite
  • Diana Grubb (Dertz)

    Thanks for the invite Dave!
  • Lisa Matar

    Thanks for the invite Dave
  • Swati Datta

    I like this actress. So i put her pic here.
  • Faisal Javed

    Dear Dave,
    Join me at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/faisaljaved
    for mutual benefits. It will enable me to share some urgent openings and to fill them ASAP.

    Thanks for helping me in advance.

  • Ravikiran

    Hi Dave,
    How are you doing?
    I like to add you in my list.
    I am just started my career in Recruiting. I need to learn so many things from experience people like you.
    I hope you will help and suggest.
    here is my linkedin URL:http://www.linkedin.com/in/ravikiranm
    Thanks for your time.
    Have a nice time.
  • Ann Luna

    It was nice meeting you and your wife at RecruitFest.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thank you Dave for the interview & post. Look forward to networking (I understand you are the networking "King" :) Honored to be interviewed. Wonderful. Best wishes, Susan
  • Danielle Zittel Moseley

    Hey Dave! Will you be at the ERE Expo in a few weeks?
  • Jeff Newman


    My pleasure. I gave a 20-30 minute learning session today for our offices all across the country. The subject was "Increasing your Recruiting Visibility". I said 2 of the most important things you can do are to join recruitingblogs.com and Six Degrees of David Mendoza. The Six Degrees group has done more to increase my LinkedIn Success then any tool I can name! Thanks again,

  • Kristen Durkin

    Hola Dave,

    I am not sure if you received my e-mails; if you did--you may have about 80 variations of the same "thank you" email with attachments! :)

    Let me know when you get the e-mail (s).

  • Carole

    Dave I always give every year to jerry Lewis telethon now I donate every year I get the letter in the mail so thank for supporing a worthy cause, also How do I get a video or music on my blog and home page? not s computer savy.
    also go to www.meetup.com put in you zip code and meet some nest people also there is a great subsrbiction from J Kim Klaver, www.network marketingcentral she has great books and CD, also b www.briantarcy sends you a cd for free you just pay the postage
  • Paty Kawaminami

    Hi Dave,

    I work with Kristen Durkin... Here is my request to live, learn and exhale tips from SixDegreesfromDave.com :)

    Thanks for networking!
  • Kristen Durkin

    Hi Dave,

    You're awesome! Thanks for featuring me today, you rock and for the rest of today I will feel super important :)

    Hope you enjoyed your thanksgiving with your family.
    Can't wait to see you at the next conference!

  • Bill Radin

    Dear Dave:
    Your credentials are quite impressive, and you add great value to our industry. I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Fordyce Forum in June, where I'll be giving a presentation. Keep up the good work!
  • Bill Radin

    Sorry about that; I'll fill it in and get back to you. In the meantime, please visit my Web site at www.billradin.com.
  • Bill Radin

    Dave, I took your advice (which I really appreciate) and made some additions to my page. I'll be speaking at the Fordyce Forum in June on how to build a successful training career. Hope to see you there!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Dave fyi - just wrote u back. Let me know if you'd like to talk tomorrow re: French translation. Thx for ur contact info. best! Sus
  • Nelia Hayes

    Sure -how do I join?
  • Ryan Gunhold

    Happy Birthday young man. Seize your day.
  • Slouch