Gerry Crispin


East Brunswick, NJ

United States

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  • Slouch

    Welcome Gerry. It's about time! Lol

  • Mike Temkin

    Thanks for connecting with me. I'm going to need to get a photo, though I prefer a line drawing like you have.
  • Bill Vick

    Gerry - we need to get together and chat. Lots of interesting things to discuss and talk about.
  • Amitai Givertz

    Hello Gerry! It would be great to catch up when you have a moment...
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hi Crispy.
  • mattmartone


    hey bud.
  • Rob McIntosh

    Thanks for the note. Happy festivus to you, Mark and the west coast crowd. Speak with you all in 2008
  • Slouch

    ok ok ok. How about I put that mug of yours up with some flashing lights around it letting everyone know about the webinar. I won;t mention your poker tells. That's for me to know
  • Gerry Crispin

    Works for me. I've new glasses with a gradation in tint so you can't see my eyes dilate when I have you on the ropes but I can see the spots on the cards easily. You've slipped my traps three times now...but soooon....
  • Moises Lopez

    Gerry it was truly a pleasure to spend time with you in Vegas. I'm also looking forward to many more such opportunities. I'd like another opportunity to discuss the global aspects you mentioned earlier more in depth.
  • Dennis Smith

    Gerry - after seeing that video, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to look you square in the face again : )....honestly, that was cool.

    Will you be in San Diego? I will be packin' my video camera and would love to get a sound bite from the man - the myth - the dancing machine.

  • Carlos Adame


    I have followed your career and comments with great interest. Let me know if I can assist you in any way.


  • Slouch

    Gerry are you in vegas on the 14th of may. I'll be announcing a party soon. Zoominfo and Arbita are sponsoring.
  • Gerry Crispin

    Absolutely. I'm there on 13th-15th.
  • jobboardguy

    Thanks for the invite my friend.
    See you in Vegas! Were exhibiting again. Seems like alI I've been doing lately is exhibiting-does that make me an exibitionist '-)
    Stay well.
  • Rich Dunn

    Hey Gerry-

    I can't say enough about the colloquium and the value that I received from it. Great discussions, great folks!
  • Meg Campbell, CIR, CDR, ACIR

    Great to meet you in Vegas Gerry! Hope to cross paths with you again soon.
    Take Care,
  • Nancy Holland

    Hi Gerry,
    Great to meet you finally. I passed along your well wishes here and everyone here says hello and best wishes back!
    Take care,
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Gerry - insightful thoughts on your video with Bill Vick today. Thanks for all the foresight!
  • Nancy Holland

    Thanks for the mention about our compliance solution!
  • Mir Moiz

    Thanks for the contact, Gerry.
    I have been working in the area of 'Information Systems' for the past seven years.
    My primary area of expertise is WEB Technologies.

    You can review my LinkedIn profile here:

    For all things WEB you can contact me anytime.
    moosavi [at]

    - MIR
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Gerry ~ thank you for accepting my invite and look forward to networking with you further near future ~ I read your ERE articles when I was starting out recruiting.. and found it very helpful. Looks like you are in NJ (grew up in Bergen County myself more specifically the town of Ridgewood- family still there ~) travel there quite often for business & personal visits. Wish you a productive day!~ Look forward to our future connections and conversations to come.

    All the best,

  • Jonathan Fest

    Gerry, Just finished watching the video posts here on RBC and I'm a fan. Would love to connect, is Gerry Jr. "the gambler" on this site as well;) Hope to see you at a poker table in the future.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Gerry,

    Thanks for your kind note. I hear you are quite a poker player as well. Look forward to connecting further near future (p.s. I am following you on twitter).. look forward to more of your recruiting insights.

  • Margaret Graziano

    Gerry, Gerry - your name keeps coming up in my sphere of influence.....when can we talk again ????
  • Alex

    Hi Gerry,

    Great meeting you last week at Recruitfest !

    You mentioned you may have some leads on recruiter or sourcer roles from your contacts .. did that pan out ?

    Thanks a bunch
  • Stephanie Marberry, Ph.D.

    Great speaking with you today! I hope we can connect in the future.
  • Julia Stone

    Gerry, I will miss spending time with you for a while. We've shared so many conferences this fall that I am sad now that I have no more on the books for a little while.

    Thanks for all your brilliant insight & conversation and of course the cards.
  • Julia Stone

    Wow that is quite a title Gerry, I think I will have to make a bracelet for the World of Staffing Poker (WOSP) now.

    Thanks & I think I will be hibernating until Mar/April too.
  • Faisal Javed

    Thanks for accepting my invite...
  • James Andrews

    Kennedy was too quick of a trip for me, however learning more and more each day. Yes let's catch up before year's end.
  • Slouch

    Thanks for today
  • dugie

    Hi Gerry,
    New to the group and wanted to get feedback regarding obtaining a PHR/SPHR certification. Are there any recommended study guides other than what is in the hrci site. Thanks.
  • Sean Harry

    Hi Gerry, CareerXroads? Wow, it sounds like we DO need to talk. When is a good time for you? Friday is full for me, but what about Saturday? Or sometime next week.
  • Sean Harry

    I'll call you about noon EST (9:00 PST). Didn't realize we are stepping on your trademark. We published a book named "Career Crossroads: Finding the Perfect Career For This Time In Your Life" and its been convenient to shorten it to careerxroads. Working today to change that. . . Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I also watched a video of you on xtremerecruitingtv. Interesting business model you have. It sounds very successful. Talk to you Saturday.
  • Slouch

  • Sean Harry

    Hi Gerry, just left you a VM. Please call at your earliest convenience. Sean
  • Sean Harry

    Hi Gerry, nice talking to you today. My edress is sharry at
  • Sean Harry

    Hey Gerry, FYI, that twitter account is now available for you. I'd grab it quick, I already had 5 followers without advertising it at all. Talk to you soon.