Margaret Graziano

60, Female

Arlington Hts, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries

Comment Wall:

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Margaret,

    Welcome to the community! It's a great place to network with great people. Have a great week!

  • Scott Sheldon

    Hello Margaret,
    Welcome to - this is the place to connect with your recruiting peers, a lot of great folks here!
    Feel free to also connect with me on Linked In as well.
  • Bibit

    Hi Margaret,
    I am a sourcing specialist and looking after different reqs.
  • Simon

    Hello Margaret!!!!
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Margaret!

    It's better to be late than never. Have a great week!

  • Scott Love

    Hi, Margaret. We've never met before but I've read what you have written in TFL. Great stuff! I used to have a monthly column but took a year and a half off, but hope to start writing for them again.

    I'm putting a link on my recruiter training site that lists industry trainers. Let me know if you are intersted. There's no charge, nothing, no strings. I believe that there's enough business out there for everyone, and if we can all raise the performance of the industry, then it's better for everyone. Let me know if you are interested and which link to use. My site is Take care!
  • J.B. Ryan

    Hi Margaret. I met you at NAPS in San Fran and went to your seminar in Texas as well. Congrats on your success with Keenhire! See you in Orlando at NAPS!


  • Bibit

    Hi Margaret,
    I was just introducing myself to you that's it....
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Margo - I'm glad to see your here and welcome to RecruitingBlogs. I've found it to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know how I can help you in using it.

    I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group and when can we feature you in an interview?

    We are a growing network of recruiters sharing ideas, techniques, technologies and pursuing excellence. We would value your input.
  • Alisha Smith

    Hi Margo - I just got your voice message! I would absolutely be interested in chatting with you... Can we schedule a time to chat next week? Say Monday or Tuesday?
  • Alisha Smith

    I am in Vancouver, so west coast time zone... PST! So let me knwo what time works for you, and I will make myself available on the 14th! Safe Travels!
  • Paul DeBettignies

    I am the “Admin” for the Recruiters On LinkedIn group. You have recently joined and this is a "welcome" to the group and "here is how it works".

    Over the past year I have been experimenting how best to facilitate members being able to connect with each other. Some want to connect with everyone and some are looking for a few meaningful connections.

    1-2 times per week I send a group introduction message with 10-15 new members and reintroducing others.

    What this means for you is simple, do you wish to be introduced to the group?

    You have 4 options from which to choose:

    (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with anyone and everyone.

    (B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.

    (C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.

    (D) “Super Open Networker” which is (A) plus having your contact information on the group page.

    A caution on the “Open Networker”, you may be inundated with invitations to connect. For some this is exactly what they are hoping for and others this could be a pain.

    I do ask, if you receive invitations from members you do not want to connect with that you “Archive” the message versus “I don’t know” so the sender is not penalized by LinkedIn although how you handle this is up to you.

    Again your options are (A), (B), (C), (D).

    Please include your LinkedIn URL and email address you prefer to receive invitations and send to

    Thank you for your time.


  • Jay Perreault {DCTechRecruiter}


    Thank you for linking up. If you want to learn more about me or a variety of contacts, please visit me at Please let me know if I may be able to help you out with anything.


  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks for connecting ~ great blog posts btw..and look forward to getting to know you. I also volunteered to help as a Tour guide.. interested in reading through different posts (great insights)...

    All the best,


    PS - are you going to Recruitfest? If so, look forward to meeting you there as I registered ~~ looking forward to it :) It will be interesting.. I believe..
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks.. She is definitely my "life" for sure :) if you do go to Recruitfest ~ that would be great.. and hope you can speak as well. I'd be happy to connect.
  • Erica Jayne Walsh


    I love KeenHire's model. I think there may be an opportunity for a partnership, as my company has a user base of more than 10,000 headhunters that we would like to offer training services to.

    Are you still attending SourceCon? If so, maybe we can connect.

    - Erica
  • Adam Peterson

    Hi Margo!

    Hope you have been well. 2 things:

    1. when are you coming out here?
    2. join my group Video in Hiring

  • Adam Peterson

    Saturday? sweet. weather is awesome out here right now.

    Best of luck with the move and settling in - as always, let me know what I can do to help.

    i'm impossible to find on facebook so I just sent you a friend invite :)

    (you should have received an invite for my Video in Hiring group too...)
  • Gerry Crispin

    Thanks for the note. Call me anytime Margaret. I answer every phone and email. I travel every week though and need to turn mobile off at conferences and gigs. Check out where I am on CareerXroads and let me know if we are going to be in the same place.
  • Orrick Nepomuceno

    Hey Margaret,
    You can check out my book at There you can find out more information and my blog. It has been out since last year. let me know what you think.
  • Slouch

    Hey There. It was great getting to know you in Chicago. Talk to you soon
  • nancy

    Wanted to thank you for the networking request, glad to be connected!

  • Margaret Graziano

    Great, you too !
  • Slouch

    Hey There, your videos are uploaded. As for your other question, I have no idea and if I could change that text I most certainly would. May even be the reason, I take that whole ranking system out.
  • Slouch

    sounds good. ill be home tomorrow so I'll call you
  • Kristen Durkin

    Hi Margaret,

    It was nice to see you again at the Pinnacle Society meeting in Amelia Island last month. I hope the trip was a success for you. I am sure I will see you again at future conferences, are you going to Kennedy? If so, let me know how it goes for you, any feedback would be great!

    Kristen Durkin
  • Slouch

    yes it should . it is new to the system and I hope they change it soon. It is to prevent spam
  • Mike Gionta

    Hey Margaret G.,

    I don't place recruiters, I mostly train and coach owners of recruiting firms. How's stuff??

    Mike G.