George Easton

45, Male

North Bay, ON


Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Basic Materials, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Industrial, Services, Technology, Utilities, Other
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey George. I am in toronto as well.
  • Slouch

    bathurst and Eglinton. where ae you located. maybe we should have a coffee at starbucks
  • Bryan Grauss

    Glad to meet up with you Easton! I have a software sales superstar here in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley) looking to move, He is a Channel Sales Manager - CRM Asia Pacific. Any open Jobs that we can work together on?
  • Roxanne Reynolds Hicks

    George I have a guy....enterprise sales exec.....located in FL. NO split.
  • Roxanne Reynolds Hicks

    I will turn him over to anyone who finds him a position with no strings, he wnats to stay in FL, I do not to software sales and love this guy.....Annapolis graduate, great resume....
  • Amitai Givertz

    George, thanks for the invite. I appreciate it!
  • Robb Myers

    Hi George - thanks for the invite.
  • Marie Journey

    George - Thanks for the invite. As a fellow virtual recruiter - Be free, make money, have fun!!! Now if only I can figure out how to actually leave my home office...
  • Jodi Lovegrove

    Hi George,

    I am definitely open to connecting on LinkedIn! I tried to send you an invite but their site is down right now. I will try again later, or you are welcome to invite me (

    Happy Friday!
  • The Recruiting Guy

    Sure, send me a LI invite to
  • M A

    Hi George,
    Worked 3rd party ages ago :-)
    I've been a corporate recruiter (consultant) since '02.
  • Debra A

    Hi George,

    Thanks for the add. When you get your health-care division up and rolling let me know. I look forward to working with you.

    Debra Akaveani
  • Barb Yeakey

    Hi George-
    Thanks for the invite. Overall our firm, OCI, assists clients/companies in all areas of Human Capital consulting. I myself specialize in the selection/recruitment arena. There are three of us within our practice (the Charlie's Angles). Currently, most of our opportunities have been in the USA but we're hoping to branch out into the Europe and NA markets very soon. I'm very open to networking with other recruiters/colleagues and love to form new business opportunities for all.
    Thanks for letting me join your network.
  • Chris Broussard

    Hey George,

    Thanks for the invite. Hopefully we can help each other out in the future.

    Chris Broussard
  • Jennifer Ashe


    May I refer you to someone who is looking for the following:

    I'm looking for good search firms that can address Executive Needs in the Toronto area. Does anyone have a recommendation?

    Please advise.


  • Rahul Sharma

    Hi George,
    My name is Rahul Sharma,Professional Recruiter with US TECH SOLUTIONS.
    I am trying to explore more opportunities and increase my network in recruitment industry.
    hope that we can work together and bring business for both of us.
    You can send me your requirements and i will get you candidates matching that requirement.
    Please let me know that if we can work on Split basis.
  • Rahul Sharma

    Hi George,
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Meet you on Monday for more interaction.
  • Rahul Sharma

    Hi George,
    How are you doing...
    well hoping to recieve a reply from your side to expand our relationship.
  • Jennifer Ashe


    I will provide your information to them. This was a request on ERE and I immediately thought of you.

    Regards and Good Luck!
  • M A

    Hi George,
    I have been consulting as a Corporate Recruiter for close to six years now, on site or virtually.
  • Harsh Pangi

    Hi George:

    I'm looking for professional networking. Please accept my invite.

  • Bob

    I wouldn't waste my time with this service.
  • JohnWilson

    Hi George,
    We are specialised in IT and Non-IT staffing

    Please feel free to contact me

    John Wilson
    Accounts Manager

    CAT Technology Inc.
    "Committed to Human Excellence Through IT"
    Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey.
    Voice: 201 255 0319 x 217 | 201 696 9086 x 217
    Fax: 201 727 9296
    Visit us at:
  • Dr Simon Harding

    Thanks for the add !
  • Aravindan Ganesan

    Hi George,

    I am recruiter and have professional organization in USA .
    I have come to Toronto and will be leaving to Boston on Friday (Jan 16).
    I would like to meet with you and share my experience and explore the opportunities in Canada.
    Please inform me if anyone is interested in meeting with me.

  • Jerry Albright

    I'd love to George. I hope all is well with you in Toronto! I can give you a call any time you might be free. Just shoot me a phone number and I'll dial it. Take care.
  • Jerry Albright

    Sure thing George. Monday is fine with me. I'll call you then.
  • Lisa DeAngelo

    Hi George,
    Thanks for the invite!
  • Susan Saxbury


    Since you have redone the group I have not been able to locate ANY splits!! I have tried to join the various groups you have set up and spent time inputting my info, just to lose it when I try to tie it into the group. Do uyou have to be a techie to use the group now? I am very frustrated. Help!! Susan Saxbury 562/531-1820