Glenn Gutmacher


Sharon, Massachusetts

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Industrial, Services, Technology, Utilities, Other
LinkedIn Profile
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Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Glenn, it was great meeting you in San Diego.Glad you set yourself up here. talk to you later
  • mattmartone

    Hey Glenn,
    Thanks for attending the Webinar. We saw some great interest. Thanks for participating and asking your question too.

    If you need any help convincing your internal clients to consider search marketing give me a call. I'd be happy to connect you and whoever else involved with whatever info you all may need.

    Btw, Microsoft Surface looks awesome.

  • Kristi Young

    loving the shameless LinkedIn About Me plug! invitation is on it's way...
  • Suzy Tonini

    Thanks for the kudos Glenn. It'll be great meeting all the luminaries I have been in touch with, virtually, for all these years!
  • Suzy Tonini

    Well, thank you Glenn! Yes, I totally beleive in sharing, always have and always will. I look forward to "meetings of the minds", literally!
  • Leslie O Connor

    Glenn - thank you so much for your input, participation, and the knowledge that you so freely share with the Sourcing Community. There have been numerous requests for you to do a repeat performance for SourceCon2008, with a longer time slot :)

  • Mike Notaro

    It was an absolute honor to finally meet you. Your presentation was fantastic and your enthusiasm was really quite impressive. Let's talk next week, I have some neat ideas I'd like to run past you! =]
  • Volora Howell

    Glen, your presentation was very informative.
    Could email a copy as promise. Love to connect with you and get great tips.
  • Volora Howell

    Great look forward to receiving it.
  • Jim Stroud

    Great job at SourceCon Great One! Here is a little somethin'-somethin' for your blog.

    The Recruiters Lounge - Live at SourceCon 2007 from Jim Stroud on Vimeo.
  • Kristin Kalscheur

    Looking forward to networking more in the future!
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Hey Glen -
    we are connected on Plaxo - hope you'll accept my invite.
  • Ali C.Hyde

    Hi Glenn,
    I did not receive a copy of your presentation on ERE. I emailed Madeline and have not heard back...any suggestions?

  • Ali C.Hyde

    Another question: I tried to view and received a message saying the "page could not be displayed". I have visitied the site before and found that it was really helpful! Has anyone else had a problem accessing it?

  • Jonathan Fest


    I've followed your comments for sometime now. We are 1st degree connectors on Linkedin and would hope to connect with you here.

  • Marvin Smith

    Let's connect
