John Goodman


Agoura Hills, CA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Casey J. Brinkman

    Thanks for joining my network! If I can help with anything let me know. Have a wonderful week!

    Casey Brinkman
  • Manu Mittal

    Hi John

    I am Resource Manager working with J Vista Software, we are into IT Staffing as well. We do have 40 consultant available.

    We would love to serve any of your requirements related to IT field with best of our effort.

    Manu Mittal
    732 361 4968
  • JackChang

  • Sandy White

    Thank you for connecting John .. and for your good wishes on my new venture ! I have been in the professional services space for many years recruiting sales folks .. and it seems this will be my area of focus. I'm fortunate to have some solid relationships that are really working for me.

    To a successful '09 !!

    Sandy White
  • Slouch

    Hey John. I put your Recruiting Tip on the top of the page today. it is a great tip and there is no doubt that what you say is often the difference between a good celebration and a terrible night on the couch
  • Richard Detoy

    Hello John-
    I worked with Caroline Nahas but don't know Caroline Walker, so I don't have the answer to your question...sorry!
  • Kira Shelton

    Hi John,

    I like RESUMate very much, I have used other CRM's and find that this one is the best in terms of the investment and what it can do for me. I have also started my own business and am enjoying it! I recruit Physical Therapists.

    I am glad you have started your own company as well...I wish you all the best - I like your website! Also, thank you for reaching out to me...have a nice day, Kira