Jerry Albright

58, Male

Avilla, IN

United States

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  • Recruiting Animal

    Jerry why do you admire your Dad so much?
  • Recruiting Animal

    You don't have to be ashamed of having feelings, Jerry. No need for a hankie. I was just curious. Not every dad warrants most-admired status so I was curious about it.
  • Tim

    Jerry -
    Saw your video on - very exciting! Hope our paths cross soon.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Dude, I'm using Ning's technology. So if it's 2005 so are they. But really if you had Quicktime downloaded like most other people it would play online. Know what I'm saying? Look in the mirror, pal.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Here is an edited version of our conversation about Verbal Summary.
  • JackChang

    Hi Jerry, thanks for fix my disscussion. any idea about it?

  • William Tincup

    thanks for the question... we're a B2B marketing firm that focuses exclusively on the human capital space. we have over 60 human capital clients. what else would you like to know? jwt
  • J. Michael Blakely

    Hello Jerry,
    This is J. Michael Blakely, new to the site, and I am looking to build a recruiting network.
    I see you are in Atlanta, GA! I work from home in Kennesaw and I’ve been doing this since 1996.
    IF you are interested, let’s see what we can do to help each other continue being successful in a fun and competitive industry. My email address is and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
    J. Michael Blakely
  • Jason Babyak


    My brother just called and said he walked out to go to dinner and a swat team member in full gear standing in his driveway pointed a machine gun in his general direction and directed him back into his house, as you can imagine he followed orders. Apparently a house next door which is a rental owned by his good buddy is totally surrounded by the swat team. He said the renter is a female who has seperated from her ex and they think he may be in the house with the kids and possibly her. Not many details yet but he did say he talked to his buddy and he had to give the swat team a layout of the house and my brother is still not allowed out.
  • Jason Babyak

    Interesting stuff, I talked to my brother again and he said that the house was being rented by a wife and her 3 kids as she left her husband (or boyfriend). My brothers buddy said he saw a guy in the house the other day and was hoping she did not move her ex in with her and apparently she did and he has multiple warrants out for his arrest. The let my brother leave so he is heading out for shopping and dinner is hopeful he will be able to get back. Lots of excitement in small town Indiana!
  • Denyse Diem

    Just read your answer to Mohammad about the candidate who couldn't interview during business hours. I like yoru persepctive on the situation! I'm fairly new to the sorucing side of Recruiting and looking to learn from you experts in the industry! I'd like to extend an invitation to connect with me here in recruiting blogs. Also, I need to touch base with you about a candidate I think you could meet. Let's chat soon! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you. Cheers, Denyse
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jerry ~ what can I say.. it was a blast getting to know you (although I didn't get to chat much with you).. but cool to find out you almost won that charity poker tournament.. thx for the add! best, Susan
  • Jason Babyak


    I will be posting some info regarding my recent fall out that was made official on Friday. Company is not happy (as expected) but demanding some stuff I am not willing to do. I would appreciate your thoughts on the issue.


    Keep the temps up, we will be in Indy on Saturday!
  • Penny Goodman

    You did great! Did you win?
  • Susan Burns

    Jerry - great meeting you at Recruitfest! Who knew you were also an awesome D.J.!
  • Susan Burns

    Hi Jerry - I woke up at 7am Sat with the cab already at the door waiting to take me to the airport for my 8:45 flight! Sadly I couldn't stay for the yoga either - Michelle had set it up. I'd love to see pictures from the class though!! Guessing there may have been some droopy/puffy eyes and muscles that had a mind of their own!
  • Ann Luna

    Hi Jerry, great to meet you at Recruitfest and I want to stay in touch. I think you are ahead of the curve with your offering.
  • Claudia Faust

    Jerry, it was great meeting you at RecruitFest! I'd love to chat further about Improved Experience, as well as learn more about your recruiting practice and how I can help direct business your way. Send me an option or two in the next week (claudiaat_improvedexperience_dotcom), I'm looking forward to it.

  • Slouch

  • Slouch

    it's under the member pictures and above the blog posts
  • Faisal Javed

    Thanks for accepting my invite...
  • Tirtis

    Hi Jerry, I appreciate the response to my blog. I will read your blogs and checkout verbalsummary. You seem to have valuable information in your site. cheers.
  • Slouch

    I hope you did not buy that domain name
  • Slouch

    you did, didn't you
  • Slouch

    nice hat
  • Rob Clarke

    Thanks for the comment on my blog- I appreciate it, I follow your blogs and I'm a fan of your work! Thanks Jerry- have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Steve Fogarty

    Hey Jerry...thanks for the invite and no worries on the mix up...I thought it was pretty funny. Happy Holidays!
  • Slouch

    don't you need to look happy if you wear a hat like that?
  • Bruce Rowles

    I just reposted the entire blog....
  • Slouch

    nice picture Jerry
  • Slouch

    i'm going to see a movie now. was out all day. just checking in. put up my Hour with post.
  • Becky Metcalf

    Great chat today Jerry!
  • Becky Metcalf

    Thanks for the add Jerry, I'll get right to work on that "assignment" on Twitter! ;)
  • Slouch

    thanks Jerry.
  • George Easton

    Hey Jerry... Ask and you shall receive. Perhaps we should discuss the group sometime soon.
  • George Easton

    Fair enough. I can be reached at 416-901-8100... though admittedly I'm not terribly available today. Can we speak on Monday?
  • Dan Nuroo

    Hey Jerry, ACDC, Hudoo Guru's? OK here is another Aussie legendary and

  • Joshua Letourneau

    Good comment on my post today, Jerry - good lookin' out, as always. Looking forward to catching up at an event one of these days (btw, like the jam here - AC/DC is timeless.) (also like the pics here) :)
  • Sree Prabhu

    Hi Jerry,

    I was recommended by Slouch to contact you to get tips on effectively recruiting passive IT candidates. Would appreciate any help in this regard.


  • Slouch

  • Ryan Leary

    Jerry - Got a sec? I wanted to chat real quick about the virtual pannel I mentioned a while back. I have a date. Still interested? 4-29-09 4:15. I need to book it this upcoming week. email me at
  • Ravi

    well not quite sure if people are fast asleep or have stopped giving an eye for em ??
  • Matt Jones

    I'm a huge Cubs fan hence why I named 1 of my dogs Wrigley eventhough my wife is a huge White Sox fan
  • Jenn Asson

    Jerry, look forward to talking more. I enjoy reading what you have to say.
  • Slouch

  • Tina M.

    I LOVE the picture of your kids on the swing!! So cute.
  • Slouch

    Hey Jerry. Thanks for letting us use your post about being a smart recruiter in the eBook we put out today. I appreciate you helping. Thanks
  • Akiode Segun

    Thank you for adding me to your friend list. Kindly check out my blog at and leave me a comment of what your think of the blog and ways of getting better.Cheers. Segun Akiode
  • Slouch

    This is Gord Downey Speaking. Find that logo!!
  • Sandra McCartt

    Please check the photos on my page. There is a picture of the front of the T-shirt i am sending you for Christmas. :)