Michel Reverte


Canet en Roussillon


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Comment Wall:

  • Dr.Umesh Saharia

    you have the impressive personality. welcome
  • Dorian G.

    Thanx for adding...Good luck!
  • Don Zinn

    Hi Michel - thanks for the invite...drop me a line and let me know what you are up to and how we might be able to help each other.
  • Maria Helm

    Hi Michel,
    I appreciate the invite! Let me know if I can assist you with anything.
  • Dr.Umesh Saharia

    pl. accept the gift
  • Dr.Umesh Saharia

    you are a nobble person
  • Keri E Rasmussen

    Thank you, Michel! Please let me know what I can do to help you or how we might be able to work together!
  • Bill Humbert

    Hi Michel,

    Thank you for your invitation! It's fun to meet new people in our business.

  • Jay Perreault {DCTechRecruiter}


    Thanks for Joining the DCTech group. Please feel free to post your current openings. Also let me know if you are having challenges identifying talent. I will check around for referrals for you if you ask.


  • Lyudmila Chavdarova

    Red Ribbon
  • Kevin Vaughn

    Hi, my name is Kevin and I am the operations manager for a healthcare recruiting firm in Los Angeles, CA. I’m reaching out to you because you indicated on your profile that you were in healthcare staffing and possibly open to doing some splits. We have a lot of open job orders and offer a 50/50 fee split. Would you be open to discussing ways we could collaborate from time to time?
  • Nick Lagos

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the invitation to connect. If you feel I can extend your network reach in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

    Love your video, how’d you do that?

    Thanks again!