Bill Singh


Hercules, CA

United States

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  • Ray Towle

    Welcome Bill,

    I look forward to your ethically-based input on RecruitingBlogs. "Duras Lex Sed Lex."

    All the Best!

    Ray "" Towle
  • Dave Mendoza

    Welcome !

    Thanks so much for joining the community. Feel free to add me as a 'friend' within

    Jason Davis has put together an amazing site and we are looking forward to developing some great networking parties in the months ahead

    You can create your own blog within the "My Page" tab button of your profile here and add music and video. It's really cool. I am happy to assist you

    ** May I suggest adding your picture to your profile. ** If you need assistance, let me know how I can be of help.

    Look forward to seeing you here more often and best wishes

    Dave Mendoza
    Visit & Subscribe to My Blog: