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  • Shavon

    Hey Adarsh,
    I send blessings your way and wish you much success. Hope to network with you in the near future. Here's a little bit of what I do and the company I proudly represent.

    Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc.
    • The leader in legal services
    • over 30 year old company
    • Listed on the NYSE, symbol PPD
    • Headquartered in Ada, Oklahoma
    • More than 1.5 million members
    • Featured in:
    - Money - Forbes
    - Fortune - USA Today
    . . . and many more

    Kroll, Inc.
    • The leader in identity theft protection
    • over 30-year old company
    • Listed on the Nasdaq, symbol KROL
    • Headquartered in New York
    • Provides a broad range of investigative, intelligence, financial, security, and technology services to help clients reduce risks, solve problems, and capitalize on opportunities.

    Stay Blessed
    Shavon McPherson
    Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc.
    Independent Associate and National Recruiter
  • Renee M Moore

    I specialize in medical placement and training and development of new recruiters and business owners in this section of the recruiting industry. YOu have an interesting background. Perhaps you should consider working in this sector? We have franchises for sale and you may have an interest in owning your own business in the fastest growing area of the industry. People are making money hand over fist and this is a great opportunity. Let me know if you are interested!
  • Paul DeBettignies

    I am the “Admin” for the Recruiters On LinkedIn group, You have recently joined and this is a "welcome" to the group and "here is how it works".

    Over the past year I have been experimenting how best to facilitate members being able to connect with each other. Some want to connect with everyone and some are looking for a few meaningful connections.

    1-2 times per week I send a group introduction message with 10-15 new members and reintroducing others.

    What this means for you is simple, do you wish to be introduced to the group?

    You have 4 options from which to choose:

    (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with anyone and everyone.

    (B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.

    (C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.

    (D) “Super Open Networker” which is (A) plus having your contact information on the group page.

    A caution on the “Open Networker”, you may be inundated with invitations to connect. For some this is exactly what they are hoping for and others this could be a pain.

    I do ask, if you receive invitations from members you do not want to connect with that you “Archive” the message versus “I don’t know” so the sender is not penalized by LinkedIn although how you handle this is up to you.

    Again your options are (A), (B), (C), (D).

    Please include your LinkedIn URL and email address you prefer to receive invitations and send to

    Thank you for your time.
