

United States

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  • Vandana K

    Thanks Sana,
    I will definitely contact you with our requirements.
  • Gunjan

    I'm not sure if we can be of help to each other or not.Please send me your hotliat at
  • Aasia

    Hey Sana,

    Have you worked with many companies that contract with the government? The company that I work for and one aspect of its role is to respond to SOW's and RFP's that the government sends out to a specified and pre-qualified list of IT companies. We currently work with HR recruiting companies to fill these needs, however, logistically proves to be difficult since the time frame we are looking at is quite narrow. Typically, the window of opportunity to submit a proposed resource is 1-2 weeks from RFP/SOW release. Within this timeframe we need to interview a resource, prepare the proposal (resource needs to fill out grid and have resume reformatted to company style) and submit. Of course it is quite easy to get priced out depending the department. Would you have the capacity to provide resources, as well, grid and re-formatted resume of named resource within this limited time frame?