Donald Whitworth


Issaquah, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Technology
LinkedIn Profile Whitworth

Comment Wall:

  • Kevin Vaughn

    Hi, my name is Kevin and I am the operations manager for a healthcare recruiting firm in Los Angeles, CA. I’m reaching out to you because you indicated on your profile that you were in healthcare staffing and possibly open to doing some splits. We have a lot of open job orders and offer a 50/50 fee split. Would you be open to discussing ways we could collaborate from time to time?
  • Kevin Vaughn

    I got your message and yes, I would like to open up a dialogue with you about working some split business together. The terms you requested are nearly identical to our existing agreement. So, if you have a moment I would like to speak with you over the phone.

    Kevin Vaughn
    Operations Manager
    888.795.1552 ext. 103 (office) | 818.219.0170 (cell) | 888.798.0803 (fax)

    TMK Health Services, LLC
    6060 W. Manchester Ave., Suite 100
    Los Angeles, CA 90045