Jared Brubaker


Buenos Aires


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  • Nicole McGovern

    Thanks for the invite! I look forward to networking with you!
  • Graham Nicholls

    HI Jared
    Great profile, I look forward to connecting with you further.
    To know what I do have a look at the website.


    Talk soon
  • Saleem Qureshi

    Singapore is one of the friendliest places to do business. Its a place where there is very little red tape, and things get done at lightening speed.

    Furthermore, as the Western and European economies struggle, Asian economies are enjoying a strong China, and strong intra-Asian trade.

    This is why any savvy businessperson who wants to get in on the benefits of doing business with Asian countries needs to know the options that Singapore has to offer.

    We at HireLabs recently decided to launch an office in Singapore and met a few very helpful people, so we decided to launch a group where we can help those friends who are looking at Singapore as a viable option to do business.

    Please join us, and see what we saw in Singapore :)

    LinkedIn Group: Singapore Works for Me