Thank you for adding me to your network. This is my first experience with split networks and have been doing a lot of research. There seems to be quite a few of them (dayak, recruiters alliance, NPA etc.). It's always good to get an edorsement for one of them just because there are so many out there...makes it easier to jump off the fence! I have looked at NPA and will likely take your advice on this one. Have you had better luck with one as opposed another?
Connect me on linkedin
Nov 13, 2008
Robert Shockley
Thank you for adding me to your network. This is my first experience with split networks and have been doing a lot of research. There seems to be quite a few of them (dayak, recruiters alliance, NPA etc.). It's always good to get an edorsement for one of them just because there are so many out there...makes it easier to jump off the fence! I have looked at NPA and will likely take your advice on this one. Have you had better luck with one as opposed another?
Nov 19, 2008
Karen Russo
I spend most of my time in Playa del Carmen Mexico now - I work with my rersearch company on search and research projects- sorry i cant make the event
Sep 20, 2010