Kelly Moeller

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Technology

Comment Wall:

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Kelly,

    Welcome to the community! Have a great week!

  • Jim Lauckner

    hello Kelly
    Enjoyed the blog. It's funny I would never let anyone call me a headhunter the first 12 years that I worked for two different agencies. Then I became a "corporate recruiter" and would tell EVERYONE that I used to be a headhunter. I would introduce myself as a Professional Recruiter and I have aways told people that I am in sales. Recruiting after all is a specialzed Sales profession. Then I had my own business, as a Management Consultant specizing in Recruiting and Retention "Process" work. Now I am again recruiting IT Architects and Sr. Project Manager as well as Account Execs and other recruiters. All in all -after 30 years I still brag about the work I do and how much fun it is - told my wife again this weekend just how much I love my work.
    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.