Roxanne Ward

45, Female

Reston, VA

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Ben Gotkin

    Welcome to, and while you are here, please stop by and join us at the DC Area Recruiters Group.
  • Ben Gotkin

    Roxanne - You should find some relevant opportunities here for sure. If I come across any other opportunities that might be a good fit, I'll be sure to keep you in mind as well.

    Also, be sure to go to the Project SAVE meeting this week, as well as the ERE happy hour later this month. Both should be great opportunities to network and hopefully find that new great job! Best of luck!
  • Manu Mittal


    I am Resource Manager working with J Vista Software, we are into IT Staffing as well. We do have 40 consultant available.

    We would love to serve any of your requirements related to IT field with best of our effort.

    Manu Mittal
    732 361 4968