Mauricio Portillo


Buenos Aires


Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Financial, Services
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Catia Yun

    LOL What? You are just being very silly (blush). I can't be the person u most admire!?!?

    Bienvenido a RBC, Mauri! :)
  • Catia Yun

    I am pink right now from blushing back and forth. You are helping my blood flow today. Thanks. (And I will make u coffee or something...)

    It is a great social networking tool to learn about industry trends. Pay attention to the forum and blog section - you will find something that interests u. A lot of talk about use of social media in recruiting, good posts about sourcing, and best recruiting practices.
    You will also find info about paid and free webinars/ chat classes, etc.