Sowmya R


Raleigh, NC , 27545

United States

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  • Ashok Kumar Siruvuri

    Hello Sowmya,

    Thanks for adding me in your friends list. Please let me know your contact details and mail ID.So that we will keep in touch.

    hi Sowmya,

    This is Vasanth Technical recruiter.I am into resourcing in our company who works on corp to corp basis. We market our own H1B consultants for contract positions in US.So let me know if you can help us with your requirements
    YAHooIM: vasav_shar

    TECHNICAL Recruiter,
  • kumar

    hi sowmya...........i feel the best way is to take any weeks access to any of the portals and dump as much as possible in all possible areas and then start networkgin from them......i fele you can do this on your own and you can make it a more meaning full networking since open networking will take some time to generate some results i request you to follwo this way so that you can make a start at a decent point to move forward.............just networking with out any leads would make Ur job less enthusiastic.....