Rich Steinkohl


Weston, FL

United States

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  • Sara Alvarado

    Hi Rich,

    You contacted me in June...and I was unfamiliar as to how to use this blog..It was regarding clinical pharmacists. However better late than never.

    My Dad was a pharmacist and was well connected through the US. He worked for Walgreens for 52 years. He graduated from the Univ. of IL.
    Univ. of Illinois is one of the top in pharmacy degrees. Contact them. Also, I would go to your nearest pharmacys and speak with the pharmacists and ask them how they can help you. Also, ask eye doctors how they can help you...Give them your business cards. Most people who work under stressfull conditions like phamacists...Tend to wear glasses. It has been very rare for me to see a pharmacist without glasses....Hope this helps...Sara Alvarado
  • Germaine


    I would be happy to review an (anonymous) resumes for FT Clincal Pharmacist you may have.
  • Ed Johnson

    Sorry I have been off line for a while. We do not currently recruit for Pharmacist.