Elisa Pineirua

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Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Amitai Givertz

    Hey, Elisa!

    Welcome to the mix here at RecruitingBlogs.com. Let me know if I can help you find your way around the place or if I can help you in other way.

    In the meantime, you might want to check out the South Florida Metro Recruiters group and see what's going on a bit closer to home.

    Ami G.
  • Rick Ryan

    Hi Elisa,

    I am in recruiting professional in the Fort Lauderdale area with 10 years experience. I am networking with other professionals in the field as I search for a new position. If you know of any recruitment opportunities in the area, I would appreciate any leads or referrals. If possible, I would like to send my resume to you.


    Rick Ryan
  • Amitai Givertz

    Hello, Elisa!

    Thanks for joining the South Florida Metro Recruiters group and for your note on my page.

    Feel free to contact me directly and we talk about the points you raised.


    Amitai Givertz
    AMG Management Advisors
    561-922-7567 | 561-283-4744