Steve Levy

Greater New York City area

United States

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New York
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Vice President (Recruiting)
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  • Peter Ceccarelli

    Yes, this is really me! It's the other part of me, the artist that HAS to be creative. Thanks for your compliment. I also appreciate the suggestion of a contact at Christies, although I really don't believe I'm in the arena/category of artists that they sell. Don't they typically sell work from World famous and/or dead World famous artists for zillions of dollars through auction? That's my understanding. And I'm certainly not in that category. I'm collected around the World. But there are tons of us artists out there, that no one will ever know on a grand scale, but who enjoy success, but will never be in the publics eye. We're just as good as those that are, but not everyone can fit on the head of a pin!

    Thanks again. I always appreciate an art fan and an art compliment. It's almost better than selling a painting. Not AS fun, but almost!

    Enjoy your weekend. And thanks for the banter on the "other" topic this week. Hopefully no hurt feelings. I have none towards you. I hope you have none towards me. It's a big World out there and we're all entitled to our opinions and it's okay to have the hair on the back of our necks stand up from time to time. It's always innocent. Right?
  • Peter Ceccarelli

    Yes, that's a yes. If you wouldn't mind sharing my website with her, or her contact information with me, that would be great. My contact information is on my website. It might be better if she saw what I do first before she contacts me. It takes the pressure off if she's not in the fan arena for my style of work. That's very kind of you. If something works out, that means you get some free art. I always scratch the back of the hand that extends towards me in this regard.

    I appreciate it.

  • Jim Canto

    Nice meeting you by phone, Steve. See you around.