P S Sanjay

, Male

Houston ,TX

United States

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  • jane mo

    hi, I have try to design a new site this year, www.digitalcamerabattery.org , could u give some advice about the color and the structure ? I just wanna to become a excellent web designer Delete Comment
  • Surashree

    Thanks for your invite. If I can be of any assistance to you, please feel free to email me at surashree@minitechnologies.net.
  • Patricia Block

    Hi P S,

    Thanks very much for the invite. I'd sincerely appreciate your keeping me in mind if you run into opportunities where a company (however big or small) or individual needs help with branding, marketing, business development and/or PR.

    As my blog says, I have a deep passion for creating innovative approaches that enhance a company’s brand. I love exchanging ideas and using my creative energy to team with others to cerate value ($).


    Please let me know how I may help you with referrals, introductions, etc.

    Thanks again, P S. Take care.

    Best regards,
    Ps – are you willing to share you first name ,…or is P S what you prefer? :)