Glenn Gutmacher


Sharon, Massachusetts

United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Industrial, Services, Technology, Utilities, Other
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  • Kevin Vaughn

    Hi, my name is Kevin and I am the operations manager for a healthcare recruiting firm in Los Angeles, CA. I’m reaching out to you because you indicated on your profile that you were in healthcare staffing and possibly open to doing some splits. We have a lot of open job orders and offer a 50/50 fee split. Would you be open to discussing ways we could collaborate from time to time?
  • Michelle Holt The Sourcing Diva

    Hi Glenn,
    I am looking forward to speaking with you tomorrow, I love what you are doing with Blogging and you are truly, from what I see, a person who thinks ahead and out of the box when it comes to finding talent. I like this and I am looking forward to speaking with you.
  • Teresa R. Bustamante, PHR, ACIR

    Thought maybe some 'bling' from me might help mend my long absence from our friendship!