Good morning,

Hope your day is as bright and full of sun as mine is. April showers bringing May flowers notwithstanding, I'm a little sick of gray rainy days. is a great community and sometimes I am so immersed in it, I forget to tell you about great new features (like our new toolbar and sharethis button which allows for easy sharing across all our properties) cool tools (like our candidate search and company profile directory) and some of our other properties (like PunkRockHR, CruiterTalk and our Recruiting and HR Job Board). Sorry for the oversight!

Today's Featured Posts:

Don't Just Pat a Veteran On The Back: Do One Better-Give them A Job! by Margo Rose

If Google Says I'm the Best Recruiter in the World... It Must Be True by Jennifer McClure

Events Not to be Missed!

This Thursday (and you'll be getting a special invitation to this) Brazen Careerist is offering a free webinar with world class Marketer Seth Godin. We talk a great deal about the intersection between Marketing and Recruiting and here's your chance to hear the author of Linchpin talk about how to do it RIGHT!

RecruitFest! the annual gathering of those nearest and dearest in the RecruitingBlogs community is coming up in October.

But before that, we're partnering with SocialMediaPlus, and RecruitingBlogs members get a special discount! (use code RBLOG15 when registering). RecruitingBlogs will be there supporting the Recruiting and HR tracks and we'd love to see you there too. Want to head to one of the biggest social media conferences in the northeast? Check it out! We're also going to be giving away some free tickets so pay attention!

Networking within How Active Are You?
Have a really wonderful day and don't forget to submit your questions, concerns or just sit down to chat with us at some point today!

Last updated by Slouch Apr 27, 2010.


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