Josh Slimmer

, Male

Dallas, TX

United States

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  • Kevin Vaughn

    Hi, my name is Kevin and I am the operations manager for a healthcare recruiting firm in Los Angeles, CA. I’m reaching out to you because you indicated on your profile that you were in healthcare staffing and possibly open to doing some splits. We have a lot of open job orders and offer a 50/50 fee split. Would you be open to discussing ways we could collaborate from time to time?
  • Tamara Gore Pendleton

    Hi Josh,

    I work for Hire Opportunities Career Fairs and noticed you are in Irving.  I am hosting a career fair in Irving in December and wanted to invite you to recruit at that event.  You can go to for more information and you can also use coupon code 40off for $40 off the registrations fee.



  • Rhonda Daley

    Hello Josh:

    Yes. I may be able to help you with that. Can you give me more details about the position and what type of split are you offering?

