Recruiting Blogs (24,310)

5 ways candidate experience feedback will improve your recruitment process

Gathering feedback from candidates not only ensures that you know why your recruitment strategy is successfully driving skilled talent through the company door, it also provides powerful insights into the impact this process has on key candidate perceptions, motivators and expectations. Measuring and monitoring the candidate experience provides:

1.     Data evidence…


Added by Laura Purt on August 5, 2013 at 10:45am — No Comments

‘Cautious optimism’ for the UK jobs market

We are now well and truly in to 2013 and have been consistently reminded over the past year how well (or not) the job market is performing. But what do the experts think? Paul Avon, Director at AP Executive discusses what he believes the outlook will be for the UK job market.

The jobs market has been turbulent, to say the least, over the past few years, however, last month statistics were released stating the number of people claiming…


Added by Sarah Diamond on August 5, 2013 at 6:36am — No Comments

New type of questions to test a candidate's analytic mind

Job interview question: what is wrong with this picture?

Earth and Moon seen from 1 billion miles away:

Photo: very humbling - Earth and Moon from 1 billion miles away <a href=

What is wrong with this…


Added by Vincent Granville on August 3, 2013 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Is Gen Y ready for Recruitment - Hardship?

The cycle of ; 'Candidate - Interview - Offer - Joiner' will still get complicated and we need more and more man power and physical energy to coordinate.Now, with social media reference, mobile apps changing the entire gamut of recruitment - does that mean we have things done at easy cost? A Big NO

GEN Y's Conviction

Gen Y wants Insta updates, status and waiting time is 0.1Sec or even lesser. Here 'time' is a double edged sword where one end - you will get…


Added by Vinoth Selvam on August 3, 2013 at 9:37am — No Comments

5 Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 7.27.13 to 8.2.13

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about lost dogs, recruitment’s evolution, social recruiting, passive candidates and sourcing certification.

Now on to the articles.  Here are the articles that interested us this week (in no particular order),…


Added by Chris Brablc on August 2, 2013 at 4:03pm — No Comments

Aim Low

 photo mos4-a-jigisup_zpsf05b1d2a.jpg

Practically every single company I’ve ever seen cited by all the social media/employer branding experts as a model in recruitment excellence have been a massive multinational with an almost omnipresent consumer brand.

Are you going to pick-up any useful scraps from the big boy’s table about how you can recruit better from reading any of these…


Added by Mitch Sullivan on August 2, 2013 at 1:52pm — 1 Comment

Gold Star

Recently I received a resume from a young lady that had just graduated with a master’s degree in Oceanography looking for a position.  She sent this to me in hopes that she would be chosen to work for the company I had a contract with.  She like so many hopefuls she applied on line and waited to hear if she was chosen or not.  She was.  She had the schooling and…


Added by Derdiver on August 2, 2013 at 1:44pm — 5 Comments

Evil Confused Part 3

One week from today, Suzie started her fit.

Frank told Suzie to do her job, and not rely on gossip as a source for references.

Like the Tasmanian devil on Saturday morning, Suzie started to spin. Her thin skin couldn't take it. She was the HR person!  This was her domain! How dare Frank tell her what to do!

Using her power, she behaved badly. Her target was Frank. Her reach was far greater. She spun and spun and spun until she drew attention to herself. Frank looks like…


Added by Barbara Goldman on August 2, 2013 at 11:42am — 5 Comments

Hootsuite Lands another $165 Million in series B Funding from Insight Venture Partners, Accel Partners and OMERS Ventures

Just released today, Hootsuite (founded in 2008) a Social Media start up has secured $165 million in series B funding form a 3 way join venture including including Insight Venture Partners, Accel Partners and OMERS Ventures.

With more than 7 million users across it's platform and nearly half of the Fortune 500 (right around 240) Hootsuite has solidified itself as"The Player" in enterprise social media…


Added by RecruitingBlogs on August 2, 2013 at 11:30am — No Comments

Could use a referral.

I have a sharp IP Attorney in the sweet spot for hiring with a JD 2010 and a Bachelors in Computer Science.  The only drawback is she wants in house and I only do law firms.  Is there anyone out there who would be interested in working with this type of legal candidate or know someone who would.

I would appreciate any help you can give or share.


Theresa Hunter

Legal Talent Recruiting


Added by Theresa Hunter on August 2, 2013 at 11:04am — No Comments

Professional Networking is Getting Better: LinkedIn Mac Integration

Good news for all you Apple-loving, HR folks! Last month at the Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference in San Fransisco, keynote speaker, Craig Federighi announced that LinkedIn will be integrated into the newest version of OS X, called OS X Mavericks. It was pretty great when they integrated Twitter, but now they’re …


Added by Angela Yu on August 2, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

There is more to Working in Fashion than Most People Think

If you are bored with your current career you could do a lot worse than look at getting involved in fashion. The fashion industry is an interesting one which is always changing and evolving. This means that there is always plenty to interest creative and flexible jobseekers.

Some Interesting Back Room Jobs

Most people assume that the vast majority of fashion jobs are retail related. To some extent this is true; however, the process of getting the garments designed, made…


Added by Simon Hopes on August 2, 2013 at 10:16am — No Comments

Streamline Your Hospitality Recruitment

If you work in the catering hospitality industry the chances are you will be extremely busy. Therefore, finding the time to recruit the people you need can sometimes be a problem. Fortunately, there is now way to speed up the process and make your recruitment processes far more effective.

The first step

The first step is to visit…


Added by Simon Hopes on August 2, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments

ADP - 1 Year Recruiting @ One of the World's Most Innovative Companies

It was about this time last year I was…


Added by Mike Rasmussen on August 2, 2013 at 1:00am — No Comments

Evil Surfaced Again Part 2

Before you begin this story, pull out your hankie. You are either going to weep, or burst out laughing. 

After all the drama, John agreed to take the job.

I THOUGHT all was well. The other shoe just hit the floor.

To bring you up to date:

At this point in the story, we have a contrite Frank, who will now  measure his words carefully, an Exec VP who is looking askance at…


Added by Barbara Goldman on August 1, 2013 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Training and Retention

They go hand-in-hand, or at least they should. No one wants to be the employee who doesn’t know their job, and no one wants to work with that employee. Initial training, as well as continued training, gives employees a sense of worth and the chance to excel in their position.  Engagement and pride in a job well done is a…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on August 1, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

How to Efficiently Hire Outside of Your Industry

Hiring outside of your industry can be a tricky move. This idea might meet some opposition, as these employees will require more time and on-boarding training than a simple transfer within the industry. However, the perks of hiring on an outsider are well worth the resources spent training them. 

These hires can bring a fresh …


Added by Angela Yu on August 1, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments

Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

Imagine if your baseline belief is that life is a blessing and we’re supposed to live in a state of gratitude, appreciation, and celebration. Imagine that, as a Sales Yogi (a practitioner of Sales Yoga) , you:

  • Appreciate your accomplishments.
  • Embrace challenges as an opportunity to stretch and grow.
  • Cultivate energy generated from successes and use that to fuel your…

Added by Scott Wintrip on August 1, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

Recruitment Nightmares- You can't make this stuff up: how not to write a cover letter

This is an actual cover letter, names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Dear Sirs,

Advise through program review that is Career Builder suggestion, title view Program Co-Ordinator at Winsted, Connecticut that is via a Hartford, Connecticut circumstance search industry.   Public assistance is direct advantage hire and public transportation is recommended value.  Ensue however…


Added by Ryan Mulrooney on July 31, 2013 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

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