The latest born digitial recruiting podcast is out.
On the show this week: online advertising in the UK rockets, Forrester reports career sites are failing job seekers and HayMarket announces two new job boards.
Why not subscribe to the weekly show -…
Added by Julian Stopps on April 14, 2008 at 3:17pm —
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Sometimes Monday morning my brain does not work right and what i think is correct is not.
I sent an email to the network this morning with the wrong link to a great webinar that TalentTechnology is putting on. I then relized I inserted a bad link. I resent an email to everyone and then realized I put 10 pm instead of 10 am EST.
Here is the correct
correct link to visit to sign up for the… Continue
Added by Slouch on April 14, 2008 at 1:48pm —
1 Comment
HireVue is excited to take part in the 2nd webinar of the
Checkster Innovation Series.
Click here to sign up. We'll be discussing how innovations in video technology solve the most pressing challenges that recruiters and hiring managers face, such as:
- Competing in a global talent market
- Recruiting specialized talent
- Combating rising time-to-hire and…
Added by Bill Allred on April 14, 2008 at 1:38pm —
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Call me old fashioned, but I don't have a MySpace page. I started one several years ago to blog on, but closed it because I just didn't find any value in a professionally focused MySpace page. That also was about the time I ran into LinkedIn which to me was a more valueable professional networking tool. So I'm just scratching the surface of the Web 2.0 scene outside LinkedIn - a rookie if you will. That's why I'm going to get involved in more blogging and reading this site,,…
Added by Dave Templeman on April 14, 2008 at 12:42pm —
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Coming soon:
How long does it take to find a new role and how do you stay sane in the interim?
Added by on April 14, 2008 at 12:24pm —
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My interview with Bill Vick on
ExtremeRecruiting.TV. Bill's developing a great series of videos on the recruitment space and the role of technology.…
Added by Susan Burns on April 14, 2008 at 10:00am —
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Excellent question posed by another senior exec in my network: During an active job search, how effective is it to keep in touch with recruiters who only work on a retained basis? The key part to this question is “an active job search” as opposed to “keeping in touch”
This has nothing to do with you (!) by the way. As I’m sure you know, though, active job seekers frustrate easily and, on the other hand, retained recruiters are trying to fill positions at the same time they’re… Continue
Added by on April 14, 2008 at 9:12am —
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i am fascinated how
ibm always seems to find a way to re-invent themselves over the years. many people do not even know that they are not manufacturing machines anymore (for the most part). the company is primarily a consulting company thanks to
louis gerstner who transformed the company through a very trying period in the 90s.
while watching the
masters this weekend,…
Added by Recruiterdude on April 14, 2008 at 9:00am —
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Mendoza’s Monday Member Showcase
Dave Mendoza talks with one of our members...
For those of you who are not Mendoza groupies the fact that he is in Australia presenting at the
AustralAsian Talent Conference may have passed you by. Somewhere across multiple time zones your Editor has misplaced this morning's post. Oops, sorry.
If nothing else I am resourceful! So, from the…
Added by Amitai Givertz on April 14, 2008 at 8:00am —
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Anyone who knows me is pretty well aware that I'm not a huge fan of online VMS (Vendor Mgmt System) solutions because of the inefficiencies they create. I'm sure you know what I mean -- most organizations allocate their most low-level recruiters, HR admins, or worse, Contract Recruiters, to managing this channel. But I'll be honest that I was sold on BountyJobs claim to fix what was broken with the other "usual suspect" VMS players when I was asked by a founder if "I was a Recruiter" at the…
Added by Joshua Letourneau on April 13, 2008 at 6:48pm —
1 Comment
I've seen a lot of questions recently about selecting an ATS and thought I would share an article I wrote a few years ago (2003, I believe) since much is still relevant - and what's not is good for a nostalgic chuckle. Unfortunately, it may also reveal how little has changed with ATS technology. The focus was on employment branding but I always saw this as being intricately linked to the ATS - selection and deployment. When this was written I was heading up employment initiatives and college…
Added by Susan Burns on April 13, 2008 at 4:58pm —
what's your experience using craigslist for recruiting? i'm trying to figure out what the rise of
free classifieds means for job boards.
my own experience with craigslist has been very mixed. but then so have results from various job boards i've used....
Added by Eric Shannon on April 13, 2008 at 4:19pm —
1 Comment
Seth Godin posted a
story of an online encounter he had with Forbes. Here is my favorite part of his post. It would make my YEAR if everyone who contacted me online were to do so using this credo. Enjoy!
"Here, it's simple:
You can contact just about anyone you want. The only rule is you need to contact them personally, with respect, and do it months before you need their help! Contact them…
Added by Valerie Gonyea on April 13, 2008 at 11:30am —
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Ami G's round-up from the recruiting industry’s group blogs, portals and individual archives... The Daily Column...
Mendoza’s Monday Member Showcase:
Ryan Leary, Philadelphia's Ambassador of The Virtual Handshake
Tutorial Tuesday:
Muareen Sharib and… Continue
Added by Amitai Givertz on April 12, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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I have, on occasion, felt stuck in a job. It is a haunting and dismal feeling in the deepest pit of your stomach. It makes getting out of bed during the week difficult and getting through a day at work without exploding near impossible. Does this sound vaguely familiar?
I have always found that taking proactive action in my life is the key to getting UNstuck. It helps me get through my current daily grind a little bit easier. By taking action, instead of moping about your situation,…
Added by Valerie Gonyea on April 12, 2008 at 5:00pm —
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A senior executive family member of mine who has worked with the worlds best search firms asks: Why don't recruiters call to tell the status of the search? Even if it's a no go, people want to know so they don't think about it anymore and can focus on other opportunities. Recruiters are perceived as rude.
When you don’t hear from us, we are probably working diligently bringing things together for you and the client. In that process we are often having privileged conversations…
Added by on April 12, 2008 at 1:00pm —
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Is employee engagement near and dear to your heart? I'm of the opinion that engagement begins -- and can be
measured and managed for competitive advantage and ROI -- long before the hire happens. Check out some interesting chatter
Added by Claudia Faust on April 12, 2008 at 10:00am —
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Use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to better your communication
Key learnings:
NLP helps us make sense of how we do things and how we can implement change to make things better.
NLP helps us re-programme our internal processes by changing the way we think, behave and interact with others.
NLP is not about what to do. It is about how to work to make things better.
Neuro Linguistic Programming! The term sounds sophisticated,…
Added by Amit Bhagria on April 12, 2008 at 1:32am —
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I am currently using DISC profiles as a tool in hiring sales and recruiters. I was wondering if anyone had other suggestions? Profile XT seems good, but pricey and takes an hour! Any suggestions?
Added by Erin Lau on April 11, 2008 at 2:50pm —
Any ideas on direct mailings that work to recruit candidates?
Added by Tracy Lowery on April 11, 2008 at 12:09pm —
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