Featured Blog Posts – April 2010 Archive (79)

Toyota is Human After All: Cracks in Quality in the World's Best Brand

Coke’s the real thing. (So much so, they sell bottled water.) Everyone loves Google. (Or used to.) Everyone loves Apple. (Except all the folks who don’t.) Everyone’s crazy about Starbucks. (Except for tea drinkers, Peet’s fans, fans of small business, and so on.)

Besides being insanely popular and having detractors, what do these brands have in common? Well, not much—except they all rank at or near the top of Interbrand’s list of the world’s most valuable brand by brand… Continue

Added by David Kippen on April 7, 2010 at 6:13pm — No Comments

How prepared are you to handle a candidate who happens to be disabled?

I'm looking for some baseline practices (present or absent) in the recruiting process that impacts how we welcome...or not... people who may be eminently qualified but happen to have a visible disability. This survey should take 10 minutes

Assuming someone got far enough to reach a corporate or third party recruiter via phone, tty, etc. I give most recruiters the benefit of the doubt and assume they have sufficient… Continue

Added by Gerry Crispin on April 7, 2010 at 2:31pm — 3 Comments

KPI's are bad for recruitment...

Before joining the recruitment industry wholeheartedly, I, like many others had a pretty rose tinted view of how recruitment worked. It wasn't until it became part of my career did the realisation hit me that far from the focus being on relationships and service, it was instead on sales, closing the deal and hitting KPI's.

Fortunately for me, there are some that believe this to be a waste of time and this has allowed the Courtenay HR business to flourish inside our parent group, where… Continue

Added by Gareth Jones on April 7, 2010 at 11:36am — 13 Comments

Guy Kawasaki's 1-2-3 Rule of Resumes

In Reality Check Guy Kawasaki urges people to "think of your resume as pitch for you, the product". Here's Kawasaki's 1-2-3 rule of resumes and my… Continue

Added by Tim Collins on April 7, 2010 at 6:30am — 17 Comments

Recruiting is a Skill Set: Not Just a Department Title

In an economy that is getting over its hangover and slowly waking from the great recession of 2009, the thought of recruiters adding value to an organization is still an unfortunate after thought in corporate culture. In probably too many companies, Recruiting departments have been played as accordions to shrink and expand with the economic tune of the times.

There is obvious merit to the idea of matching your recruiting staff to meet the demands of hiring, but as most sophisticated… Continue

Added by Rob Segall on April 6, 2010 at 11:51pm — 7 Comments

The problem of duplicate job postings

You know what gets a job seeker truly steamed? Clicking on a link for a job posting – and discovering that it’s exactly the same job he looked at a few seconds earlier. Same job, different listings = unhappy job seeker.

How does this happen? Well, any job board that allows 3rd party recruiters to post their open positions runs the risk of duplicate postings. Let’s say that ABC Company has an listing for a mechanical engineer. The HR person posts it on their company site and also… Continue

Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on April 6, 2010 at 2:23pm — 12 Comments

Talent Management: Guess What, It's All About the Talent

When I hear the term Talent Management, I often hear it talked about in the context of recruiting and sourcing. Now I may be completely off, but to me, Talent Management is much more than just finding people for the role. It’s much more than finding the RIGHT people for a company to fill a job. Talent management is more than just recruiting. It is about how you interact, engage and build the people you have, to retain and develop them and even if they leave you, they… Continue

Added by Benjamin McCall on April 6, 2010 at 1:59pm — 1 Comment

On hold: Making mobile mistakes

Let’s not repeat the same mistakes with mobile that we did with social

media. Being a participant of Bill Boorman's radio show about mobile recruitment made me reflect a little more on mobile in context of the recruitment industry. My biggest worry is that we’ll be repeating the same mistakes that we did and do with social media:…


Added by Felix Wetzel on April 6, 2010 at 7:10am — No Comments

Recruiting.com sells Jobster - now I think the real game begins

I wanted to put it out there that the day may come when Recruiting.com (the company) sells the domain name Recruiting.com. From my perspective as a guy who has done pretty well in the domain name industry, that domain name is the one to own if you had a choice. Maybe… Continue

Added by Slouch on April 5, 2010 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

Playing Hard To Get...Will Get You Nowhere

It has been a little while since I wrote a blog post dedicated to the stupid stuff candidates do...so sweet, clueless candidates, this one is for you. ***raises tall Red-Eye from Starbucks in mock salute***

As girls, we are taught to play hard to get to get what you want (or at least men). I've never really paid attention to this rule...namely, because I'm naturally so awkward it wouldn't really matter what I did. The (less than favorable) end result was always the same. I was a… Continue

Added by Megan Hopkins on April 5, 2010 at 5:24pm — No Comments

Beyond Good Recruiting: Why You Need to Change Your Approach

Most (okay, some - those over 30 for sure) will know how to complete this movie cliche: "you had me at..."

I think Amazon had me at: "Amazon is building brand new recruiting tools and services from the ground up..." Which makes me kind of a geek. I'm good with that. I'm also very happy to see lines like that in job

postings. We're going to need many more…


Added by Martin Burns on April 5, 2010 at 4:23pm — No Comments

What else can a Recruiter Do!!

What else can a Recruiter Do!!

The great debate within companies has been around for some time. You are a "recruiter", that is all and what you do. That is what they say…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 4, 2010 at 1:34pm — 4 Comments

Why do you all hate your jobs?

This might be a bit untrendy, and I’m not expecting to get featured anywhere for it, but I’m going to say it anyway. I think most Recruiters and most H.R. professionals do a pretty good job. I also think that most care about their candidates and clients and add plenty of value to the recruitment process.…


Added by Bill Boorman on April 2, 2010 at 8:18pm — 3 Comments

Bad Idea: Balk at Giving References

This would seem like a no-brainer. You are right in the middle of the candidate process for a great job at a company that you admire and the inevitable question comes up, “can you provide professional references and written permission to check them?” Umm…you know I have some questions about that for you, Corporate Recruiter. Can we talk?

Most large companies with an extensive web career portal are asking for at least three professional references before your resume is submitted to a… Continue

Added by Nikole Tutton on April 2, 2010 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

Social Media Dementia...

It's a funny old world, recruitment. On the one hand, you have some recruiters talking about social media like it's the second coming. On the other, you have others saying its simply the recruitment equivalent of 'big hair' - a fashion fly by night that has a shorter life than your average cheap firework.

Rarely though, do you find a recruiter that champions social media in one breath, then goes on to snuff out its potential in another. So midly surprised was I, when I picked up the… Continue

Added by Gareth Jones on April 2, 2010 at 4:36am — 2 Comments

Hello, Goodbye

In a recent post of mine that drew some parallels between David Mimet’s Glengarry Glen Ross and recruiting, I included a section called “Selling to the Nyborgs.” This section addressed the importance of being able to identify candidates that will talk the talk, but won’t walk the walk. In other…


Added by Mindy Slobodkin Fineout on April 1, 2010 at 4:30pm — 3 Comments

The Intersection of Brand With Talent Migration

Funny thing. When you have actual, honest-to-goodness, freaking wonderful time to read, think, talk, and then digest all that delicious stuff into energy. When you

have time, you get to refuel. When you're as fascinated by every bright

and shiny object as me, that can mean a lot of tanking up.

I've found myself most fascinated - if I can find a…


Added by Martin Burns on April 1, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

“I’m 52, With White Hair…But I’m Not DEAD!”

As a recruiter, I just have a few questions to ask for the sake of those who, like me, are beyond 50 years old. These questions are meant for serious debate, instead of an attempt to conjure argument:…


Added by Steven Coyne on April 1, 2010 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

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