6 Steps To Launching A Successful New Business

With the job market still in a malaise, many job seekers are now considering starting their own businesses. Even those who are still employed, driven by dreams of financial freedom, are increasingly considering launching their own companies. If successful, this would be good news for the U.S. economy especially since, figures from the Small Business Administration (SBA) demonstrate that, almost 70% of the net new jobs created in the two decades before the recent recession were produced by small businesses.


Our executive recruitment firm regularly receives inquiries from the brightest R&D, engineering, scientific, IT and technical talent worldwide requesting the optimum steps to follow in starting their own companies. Research shows that there is no magical formula. However, during our 25 years of existence, our executive recruiters have uncovered 6 time-tested steps from clients who are successful entrepreneurs, angel investors, bankers, and venture capitalists.


The first step is generating a great idea. Although many R&D inventors, engineers, scientists and technical personnel believe that a majority of their ideas are excellent, most will only lead to a neat gadget with limited business potential! One venture capitalist shared, “More businesses fail not because their product does not work, but because they are a 50-cent solution to a 5-cent problem.” This means that even if you have a unique, new idea, it may either: a) cost exponentially more than the problem it is trying to solve or b) be only a minor improvement over existing offerings. Therefore, it won’t yield a major business opportunity.


Some ideas may seem so simple that we wonder why no one ever thought of them before. Others are so revolutionary that we marvel at how anyone could have dreamed them up. The key is does your idea solve a major problem? If so, it may be unique. For example, when Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger were so frustrated by the mediocrity of their mobile photographs, they developed a way to make ordinary shots look professional and compelling. This led to the creation of Instragram.


That brings up the second step, thorough market analysis. One venture capitalist shared, “a lot of times we will see someone with a product looking for a market as opposed to identifying a market need and coming up with a product to solve that need.” In order to discover if your new idea does in fact solve a problem, you need to undertake extensive market research including discovering: a) What offerings currently exist to solve the problem you wish to solve? b) What do the current offerings cost? c) What are the positives and negatives of the current offerings? d) Who are your current competitors? e) Who are your potential future competitors and what competing technologies may they launch? f) Are your projections and assumptions realistic? And g) How long will it take and how much will it cost to move your product from concept to a market penetration including building distribution channels? This will take a lot of work, but a lot of resources exist to assist you. Visit your local library, chamber of commerce and SBA office. All offer a wealth of information and experts to help you.


Third, write a detailed business plan. According to many bankers, angel investors and venture capitalists, one of the biggest shortcomings of potential business owners is they have not planned properly. Two major questions that many investors will ask when considering funding your business: 1) is there an interesting business opportunity? And 2) do you have the right plan-of-attack and management team to take advantage of that opportunity? Writing a thorough business plan will help you address both. It is a way to articulate your vision clearly and concisely.


Even if you are not raising money, a well-developed business plan can be very valuable. It can serve as your road map to success. As a result, you need to succinctly detail: a) What are you trying to accomplish? b) Where you want to go? c) Why this idea makes sense? And d) What problems you are likely to encounter? Make sure that your business plan can quickly and simply communicate your vision to investors and key employees including your VP of Sales and CFO. Also, edit, re-edit and update it to account for changing market conditions.


Even though you should share your business plan with all your key advisers to review and get their suggestions, including your accountant, lawyer and banker, one of the main caveats several bankers have shared is, “write the business plan yourself.” This is the case because the business plan needs to concisely reflect your vision.


Although many books, software packages and tools exist to guide you, there is no set formula for writing a business plan. However, one easy-to-follow book I used when writing my business plan to start Strategic Search Corporation is, “Business Plans That Win $$$: Lessons From The MIT Enterprise Forum.” Though out of print, it is still available on Amazon. Also, ask your advisors for other business plan development options.


Fourth, work for 1-2 companies for 3-5 years in your field of endeavor before starting your company. Though some cutting edge R&D industries may not offer a similar company or it may be critical to immediately launch your company or miss an important business opportunity, a lot of hidden experiences can be learned by working for a competitor. You will uncover many nuances and anecdotal information that will mean the difference between your business succeeding or failing!


I learned this necessary step from one of my professors while pursuing my MBA at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. Then I applied it when starting my own executive recruiting firm. I had worked for a large regional R&D, engineering, scientific and technical recruiting firm for 4 ½ years and then left to start my own corporation. I almost went out of business in my first two years. Fortunately, the valuable lessons I learned while working for a competitor kept me afloat! This saved me from many startup mistakes that could have forced me out of business!


Fifth, recruit the right management team to carry out your plan. One angel investor shared, “in real estate the mantra is location, location, location. In investing the mantra is management, management, management. Investors bet on entrepreneurs to not only formulate a plan, but also execute it.” Therefore, you need to recruit the right management team to supplement your weaknesses. The caveat is you may be the right person to invent and launch a monumental product, but you may not be the best person to execute the long-term plan. Therefore, have your internal management recruiters, external executive recruiters and advisors assist you in uncovering the best management team to execute your plan! You don’t need to hire them yet, but have them in place in case either: a) your investors ask or b) you need critical advice. Many key executives may volunteer or consult part time until you are ready for a full time business launch. The key is you need to sell them on your vision.


Finally, save up enough money for 1 ½ to 2 years of operations. Even the best inventors with the greatest ideas can take a lot longer to manifest than planned. If you are not prepared for the long haul, you may be forced out of business before your great idea bares fruit. In my case, I lost money for my first 18 months. Luckily I had followed this rule and saved enough for two years of operations. Remember Murphy’s Law: anything that can happen will happen! Especially in business there are many, many unforeseen twists and turns in the road. Therefore, you need to be prepared especially with enough money in case your business takes a lot longer to develop.


Following all these six steps will not guarantee you will have a successful business. However, not following them will increase your chances of failure. In recap, you need to: a) generate a great idea b) do thorough market research c) develop a business plan d) work for 1-2 companies for 3-5 years in your field of endeavor e) recruit the right management team and f) save up enough money for 1 ½ to 2 years of operations. Especially writing a detailed, but concise business plan that shares your vision is a necessary evil to starting a business. It will provide you a road map to guide you along the way to your business success.

Views: 1202

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on February 7, 2014 at 12:17pm


Thanks, Scott. ISTM rather unlikely that a person considering starting a business because of the lackluster job market would be able to save up enough money for 1 ½ to 2 years of operations. while they are unemployed. (BTW, who's able to save up enough money for 1 ½ to 2 years of operations WHILE they're employed?) One way mainly immigrant entrepreneurs have been able to get around this is to create a lending circle (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130604153513.htm) where participants join a group of at least four individuals in which each contributes an equal amount and receives the total sum in rotation. For example, someone participating in a circle with seven other people could contribute $100 a month for 8 months in exchange for an $800 loan.

One way someone can learn how to do it is through a program like the Renaisance Center (www.rencenter.org) a non-profit organization that provides small business training and support services to women and men throughout the Bay Area. I went through the program, and found it very thorough and quite valuable covering what needs to be done to start up a business.

Comment by Scott Sargis on February 7, 2014 at 4:05pm


I appreciate your comments and their is some merit to what you say about not being able to save up 1.5 to 2 years, but since business failure rates are very high, it is better to be prepared. 


Comment by Keith D. Halperin on February 7, 2014 at 4:18pm

Yes indeed, More preparation is better than less....

Cheers and Keep Blogging


Comment by Scott Sargis on February 7, 2014 at 5:37pm

Thanks Keith. I wish there was more money for entrepreneurs since they are the real engine for jobs growth.

Comment by Keith D. Halperin on February 7, 2014 at 5:52pm

You're very welcome, Scott. I believe that at one time banks were supposed to lend money for that sort of thing, but since they've found much more profitable things to do than lend money for useful purposes, that's pretty much gone by the wayside. I've heard that if you can't fund it on your credit card or have a rich VC or angel behind you, your options of funding a business are pretty limited now.

Comment by Joseph Kassl on February 10, 2014 at 2:01pm

I’m not surprised by this article. Corporate America is driving down innovation and killing the spirit of the daily worker. Its simple Yes-men promote Yes-men and these Yes-men have no accountability nor do they want accountability.
Corporate America aspires to a profile for its leaders. This profile is based on MBA’s and prestigious universities. It has become a game of risk basically take no risk and avoid all risk to survive and collect a check while towing the corporate line. Show profits through layoffs or so called budget cut-backs and at the sign of being held accountable change your management title and or questioned the “corporate strategy”.
Corporate America wants the next Jobs and Gates, but what they don’t realize is these men were rejected by corporate America so they too had to start their own business and were devoured by Corporate America. I guess it’s the circle of stupidity that surrounds us.

Comment by Scott Sargis on February 10, 2014 at 4:02pm

Thanks for your comments Joesph. 

Comment by Greg Post on February 11, 2014 at 1:46pm

Some good thoughts and advice here.  One important aspect that is touched upon, but probably not emphasized enough is the financial planning aspect that goes into Step 6.  Understanding what the costs are likely to be Year 1 and Year 2, vs what income might be expected (and when), is critical to not only knowing how much capital you really need to get started, but also to when you might expect to break even and start making money (assuming that's the ultimate goal).  Running out of money leaves companies with few, if any options for continued operation. 

Comment by Scott Sargis on February 12, 2014 at 10:32am

Greg, all great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.


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