Maureen Sharib's Comments

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At 2:46pm on July 12, 2010, Sundar gave Maureen Sharib a gift
At 4:44am on December 24, 2009, Hassan Rizwan said…
Merry Christmas!!
At 3:10pm on September 29, 2009, Fran Hogan said…
Hi Maureen, I've been following your posts a long time. Glad we are geetting "connected".
At 10:50am on July 20, 2009, RECPEST - Recruiting Pest said…
pls don't be.. that would make this oh so wrong, unless we're down south that is... Do fly's get red hair?
At 10:34am on July 20, 2009, RECPEST - Recruiting Pest said…
Are we related? Love your pic :)
At 10:27am on July 20, 2009, RECPEST - Recruiting Pest said…
Hi Maureen,

Recruitment Pest is the name, RECPEST for short. I do tend to annoy people.

Sorry in advance

At 10:33am on April 17, 2009, Bryan Starbuck said…
Hi Maureen,

I checked out TechTrak and it seams like a great idea. Breaking through on the phone definitely adds a lot of value.

You are combining finding exacting candidates and using the phone to get through to the correct passive candidates.
At 10:18am on February 17, 2009, Dale Busbee said…
Hi Maureen,

You are everywhere! Your insight is always spot on... thanks for joining my friends network on RBC. If I can help in any way, please let me know.


Dale Busbee
Sterling Resource Funding
At 2:23pm on January 28, 2009, Brent Potter said…
Hey Maureen- I keep sending off messages directed to you in chat but every time I send them you disappear!

Reason being I just noticed your techtrak domain on one of your postings and put things together... My boss and I have discussed you many a time, typically regarding names sourcing, but I just now realized the significance of our Hoover's sign in! ;) Does 'Mike Pak' ring a bell? :)
At 11:32am on January 16, 2009, Ashok said…
hi Maureen,,, how d new year treatin u??
At 10:02am on January 14, 2009, Madeline Tarquinio Laurano said…
Hi there! would love to catch up! my new email is
At 10:44am on January 12, 2009, Melissa Furtwengler said…
Hello Maureen
Thanks for the friendship.
I did join your network also It's GREAT!

PS I just open a new group here Wanted Scientists
that you may want to join.
At 11:46am on December 30, 2008, M A said…
Happy Birthday Maureen!
At 2:59pm on December 4, 2008, Sandy Lambert said…
Hi Maureen.
I tried responding in your chat today, But couldn't find a send button. Can you advise me?
PS. I agreed with what you had to say!
At 1:14pm on November 21, 2008, Ashok said…
hey Maureen, How ru doing?
At 1:21pm on November 17, 2008, Dr Simon Harding said…
Welcome to Think OIl !!!!!!!!!!
At 11:18am on November 14, 2008, Nancy Ford said…
Thanks Maureen! That really means a lot coming from you. You are The Bomb!!! :D
At 12:33pm on November 10, 2008, Kunal said…
Hi Maureen,
Thanks for sending me the link. I will read the details today and see if I can apply some to myself.
At 3:14pm on November 7, 2008, Rachel Francis said…
My company is hosting a Health Care Career Fair on January 14th in Miami Lakes. We also publish a Health Care Guide that gets distributed throughout the state of Florida. Please let me know if you would like more information.


Rachel Francis
At 6:23pm on November 4, 2008, Faisal Javed said…
Thanks for your feedback


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