Sean McGillen's Comments

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At 3:58pm on February 20, 2009, Ray Towle said…
Hey Sean,

How are you doin?

All the Best!

At 11:36am on December 3, 2008, Raazvi said…
HI Sean,
It’s a pleasure to be in your network. I am Recruiter/Marketing guy, working for a US Staffing company in Dallas, TX.

We have a pool of excellent, experienced IT consultants available on bench with various technology backgrounds and skill sets. We also have access to a large database of available consultants and with the help of a large team of recruiters, can source good matching profiles for any IT requirement.

I am looking out for projects for my consultants and am sure that i can send quality profiles to choose from. Please forward me all requirements that you are working and add me to your distribution list.

Look forward to a mutually beneficial business association.

Thank you

Best Regards
At 3:32pm on August 26, 2008, Anisha Gupta said…

I am looking for Business Analyst with Business Planning and Control System (BPCS) experience, total 2+ years of BPCS experience.
I have 20+ openings at the moment.

Duration of Project: 3 Years+
Location: Canada
Salary: Market

If you know anyone who could be interested then please do share my contact information.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Anisha Gupta
Business Development Manager
SystemGuru, Inc
At 12:58am on August 21, 2008, Harsh Pangi said…
Hi Sean:

I'm here for professional networking. Please accept my invite.

At 10:30am on May 9, 2008, Susan Burns said…
Hi Sean - Thanks for reaching out to connect. The Portland Recruiting Roadshow and RecruitingBlogs party is coming up on June 20th - perhaps its time for a trip!
At 3:12pm on May 7, 2008, M A said…
Hello fellow recruiter and Newmarket-eer (is there such a word?!)
At 5:58pm on May 5, 2008, Bill Vick said…
Hi Sean - Thanks for linking up and like you I've found RecruitingBlogs to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know how I can help you in using it.

I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group.

We are a growing network of recruiters pursuing excellence and would value your input.
At 1:17pm on May 2, 2008, Lisa E said…
Another Canadian, awesome! Just was on a webinar with Cameron earlier this week!
At 6:59pm on May 1, 2008, Tektree Gopi said…
Hi Sean,


I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection in and Please send me a Linkedin invite @ [ ] if we are not already connected. I'm open networker and I believe in helping all my connections to reach out to more possibilities (either career or business) by linking to more people.

Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake. Thanks in Advance.

Best Wishes,
Tektree Gopi.
View Gopi Srini Tektree []'s profile on LinkedIn
Link by
Yahoo/MSN/Google - IM: velloregopi
PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
At 3:05pm on April 30, 2008, Alisha Smith said…
Great meeting you too! Finally able to put a face to a name :)!

What was ur feedback on the webinar?
At 4:05pm on April 15, 2008, Alisha Smith said…
Aaaah I see... good to know! So in other words you would have likely found my resume when TTC was trying to fill the Marketing Management position LOL! Keep in touch!
At 3:42pm on April 15, 2008, Alisha Smith said…
Hey Sean - Thanks for the add! How do you know Jade Bourelle?
At 1:54pm on March 24, 2008, Cherese DeJesus said…
Hi Sean, I'm new to this community and I'm looking forward to networking with great people!

At 6:38pm on March 20, 2008, Recruitnik said…
Welcome Sean!


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