GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD morning RecruitingBlogs! For those community members in the US, how was your Memorial Day, did you remember those you'd lost and celebrate with family members or friends? I hope so. I spent the day by the pool with a never ending supply of burgers. I also learned a new frisbee game and that I cannot be trusted with an entire bag of Cheetos.

Of course, even in the absence of our team here at RecruitingBlogs, you were working hard on great blog posts, forum discussions and other fun stuff. Take a look at some great posts from the long weekend.

Today's Featured Posts

Bifurcation by Todd Kmiec: I read an interesting article this morning about the Notebook and Tablet PC markets. The writer used the term bifurcation, which I’m sure was a thrill for him. I had to look it up. It means to divide or split into two branches, and the article made a solid clear point about the PC Market. That market is splitting into PCs for Creation of content on one end (laptops and desktops) and PCs for Consumption (tablets are great for this). Read more...

Are Britain’s schools and universities preparing young people well enough for work? by Adam Lewis: There is a growing concern amongst employers that Britain's schools and universities are failing to prepare students for life after university. The days of Britain's schools and universities being dedicated to the pursuit of obscure and arcane knowledge, 'Pimms and Punting,' and afternoon debates about Heidegger and Hegel have long since passed. Schools and universities are now institutions, first and foremost, whose job is to prepare people for the outside world. Read more...

"What about me". Recruiters: the forgotten victims of Resignations by Dan Nuroo: if you've ever been punched in the stomach? Hands up if you're a Recruiter who's had someone leave a job really quickly after joining, that you placed. Similar feeling right. The anger, the breathlessness, the nausea, the feeling of bewilderment and fear of further reprisals. It's a horrible feeling. A person you've nurtured through a process, handling expectations, scheduling meetings, consoling, encouraging, talking up to managers, negotiated salary and...Read more...

The Best Boss I Never Had by Simon Meth: If you're like me, you've had quite a few bosses over the years. Some were good, some were bad, some were great, and some you'd rather forget. So what makes a great boss? Now I'm completely aware that the challenges I've faced with my bosses over the years say at least as much about me as it does about them. That being said, let's take a look at the hypothetical best boss I never had. Read more...

On PunkRock HR

Job Search 101: What won't you do for money?: There are just some things you won’t do for money. No no no no no, you tell me. I’ve been unemployed for six months. I will do anything for a job. I don’t buy it. Just because your situation is desperate doesn’t mean that you are desperate, and I’m sure there are some things you wouldn’t do for a paycheck. Read more...

On RecruitingTools (or the site formerly known as CruiterTalk)

Jobvite Launches a Free Social Recruiting Tool

Today's Featured Events

Jobvite Webinar with Kris Dunn- Jun 3

Have a great day and enjoy a short week after the LONG weekend.


Last updated by Slouch Jun 1, 2010.


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