Random Holiday Thoughts from the Third Cottonwood S. W. of Jackass Flats

As things slow down this week i pay more attention to cable news and stuff and things going on outside the world of recruiting.


Seems the big one this holiday is the "How dare you pat my Junk!"  So here's my take.  I would rather have my junk patted than have my junk scattered all over four counties.  I would bet those folks who were on that flight last Christmas Day probably would agree with me after having dodged that  "Junk Bomb"  I mean how would you like to have somebody's junk splattered all over the back of your head as the plane went down.   All i can think of to say is , "Do you think i am a terrorist or do you just love me?"  This could be more effective than online dating any day.  As to all you guys who are having a fit.  You can go visit my gynocologist and have a mammogram then tell me it's illegal and immoral for a 10 second pat down.  If the size of your junk on an xray is such a big deal...stay home where nobody notices or really cares or they wouldn't still be around.


I just heard that 100 illegal aliens are setting up taco stands outside of airports where they will be selling scrambled egg burritos with lots of hot peppers and refried beans an hour or so before flight time.  It really could be well placed releases of methane gas that deters the TSA or at least speeds up the process.  I doubt if it is a fast track to citizenship but if it speeds up travel they could be declared heros on CNN on Thanksgiving night.


One traveler was overheard to say to the TSA.  "Would you hurry up i am under a lot of pressure."


The TSA being frustrated law enforcement  slowed the pat down and questioned the traveler about why he felt pressured when he had 45 minutes before flight time.


The traveler looked squinty eyed at the TSA rep and said:  "Look you idiot i had three bran muffins and two cups of coffee for breakfast."  "If you don't think that's pressure just delay this a little longer and i will show you pressure."


I just noticed a blog about discounting fees where as per ususal recruiters are drawing themselves up in righteous, kick ass, wrath proclaiming that they would "Never but never, discount a fee."  All i can say boys and girls is you better hope ta God that WalMart and Sam's dont' get into the recruiting business.  Think about that one.  They could hire 30,000 minimum wage folks, train them to make obnoxious cold calls offering "quality for less".   That may be nothing new except the fees would be lower, the volume would be higher and.... Wait, maybe they may have already done it disguised as off shore staffing firms.  Probably a plot , never mind...


Have a great Turkey Day and remember that if time kills all deals, a little flatulence could speed up a lot of things.  Happy traveling , try the Chorizo sausage burritos, they are indeed "killers".



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