Regan George

54, Male

Brighton, Pune

United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • Suzy Tonini

    Hey Regan!!!!! Nice to see you here....

    PS- several of your Os2i folks were hot on the Challenge trail....great job to Yusuf and Sarang and I'm not sure if Kundan and Rushit are w/you as well?
  • Glenn Gutmacher

    Thx for connecting, Regan! So when is your team going to sign up for my comprehensive & affordable sourcing course
    ( that we discussed oh-so-many months ago?
  • Bill Vick

    I'll look forward to seeing how we can help each other.
  • Suzy Tonini

    VERY COOL!!!! You have an awesome team and should get the recognition you deserve. Nice job to all your guys/gals!!

    Hey Rigs we have our own group over here (OS2i), join it.
  • Rushit Shah

    Regan just a quick note, 3rd person to complete the contest was Shoheb Shaikh, he too is in our office.

    So make the line 2nd, 3rd, 4th and go on..

  • Peter Gold

    I remember when I had a hair cut like that...... and keep your hands off our cup!!

  • Jashan Joshi

    Hi Rregan,

    Thank you so much for the invite and so good to see you here

    Best wishes
