Mike Notaro

42, Male


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Recruiting Animal

    Mike, would you consider joining the Indian Recruiters Group as an advisor? Also, are you interested in joining in the conversation with Jeremy Langhans and Suzy Tonini when they appear on The Recruiting Animal Show?
  • Reansh

    Congrats for SC I.

    Best of Luck for the Grand Finale.


  • Recruiting Animal

    Mike thanks for coming on the show. It was a big surprise to have not only Jeremy but you and Amybeth and Maureen the telephone soucer on the same panel. It clarified a lot for me about what internet sourcers do. The show is there now to listen to or to download.
  • Suzy Tonini

    That's what you get for being the baby in the family! Good stuff today!!!
  • Reansh

    Worry not.... Just give your best shot.

    And if there is any provision for online help, brother i am there :)


  • Reansh


    Fortune favor the Brave........

    Go for the kill.
  • Glenn Gutmacher

    According to Russ's post on SSoS, you are the SourceCon grandmaster challenge winner -- megacongrats! And I would be happy to chat with you this coming week about your latest ideas.

    I'm still waiting for someone to post something official, but it would be cool if you shared your how-to in a post in the meantime (i.e., what do you think you did that made you super-productive in generating all the female engineer resumes?). I'm sure lots of us would crosspost/link to it!
  • Slouch

    congrats on your win
  • Leslie O Connor

    Big Congrats on winning the GrandMaster Sourcing Challenge and bragging rights for the year. Well deserved - and a very humble winner :) Enjoy the accolades, they are much deserved.
  • Russ Moon

    I would enjoy that, you are stimulating.
    While we are staying in touch, teach me a few things when you have time :)

    Always feel at ease to contact me.

    Savor your win and new gear, ride the wave and see where it takes you.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Oops- this was supposed to be here, not on my page, so here it is:

    No, YOU'RE THE BEST hands down!!!

    Come on out to the West Coast..guaranteed you will find it of interest;-)

    It was great time- I will have all the fun times in my head for many moons to come.

    See you soon and take care.
  • Dave Copps

    Hey Mike, thanks for the kind words. SourceCon was an absolute blast with a really impressive gathering of minds. I had alot of fun presenting. humbled.
  • Slouch

    Donato from Broadlook had some very nice things to say about you on the Recruiting Animal Show today
  • Jim Stroud

    Congrats on winning the challenge! Have fun at Disneyland. (Wink)

    The Recruiters Lounge - Live at SourceCon 2007 from Jim Stroud on Vimeo.