Shally Steckerl

, Male

Norcross, GA

United States

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  • Recruiting Animal

    Elvis are you trying to look even more threatening with the short hair and that big moustache? If you are, it's working.
  • Rob McIntosh

    I like the buzz cut (or the new vs the old)
  • Slouch

    Shally, I was hoping I could come to your page here and see the feed for all of the blogs you read.
  • Shally Steckerl

    Its the red shirt, Animal :)
  • Kristi Young

    Hola Shally! Love how you've coordinated your page with your outfit. :)
  • Recruiting Animal

    No, I think it's the buzz cut.
  • Shally Steckerl

    Call me for free:
  • Chad Sowash

    Dude, this guy looks like you...
  • Gina OLeary


    Third one is really very tough one.
  • Shally Steckerl

    this is the first time i actually got involved - i wasn't part of the first two. the first one was too easy, the second was fun and challenging, but I jumped in to make the third one the toughest.

    the answer is out there in plain sight - just look carefully.
  • Yusuf Pathan

    Thanks Shally,

    We are trying our level best to crack this one... a tough one though :-)
  • Satya. C. N.

    Hi Shally,

    Good Afternoon.

    Yes your involvement has made the challenge3 a real tough one, but still interesting and inspiring. We all are at the edge of our seats and enjoying this excitement.

    Wish me best of luck..... :)


    Satya. C. N.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Here is a comment from a trusted source, but what the heck does it all mean????

    "The JPG file was probably processed with steganographic algorithms which embed payload bits into the Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of quantized DCT coefficients, before the Huffman encoder is applied. This steganographic technique causes the Pairs-of-Values (PoV), in normal images distributed unevenly throughout the image, to be evenly distributed, which can be detected using Chi-square test. Also, window smoothing by moving average is implemented on Chi-square test results, in order to improve accuracy. "
  • Rushit Shah

    It can only mean one thing---

    Give another Clue:-)
  • Shally Steckerl

    Suzi - too far! Back off the ledge a bit :)

    That kind of steganographic encoding is quite advanced and would involve the use of applications or downloads which we vowed not to do this time around.

    So - the clue is you don't need to install any special software to process anything to see the clue which is in plain sight.

    Sarah likes to network but not in public places.
  • Rushit Shah

    Thanks,, you just saved 48 hours to complete the challenge , thanks a ton
  • Suzy Tonini

    Thanks Shally. I like playing on ledges...;-)

    I think Rushit is onto something....hope someone cracks this soon as Mike and I need a 3rd playmate for the SourceCon sandbox
  • Amie Ernst

    Ok, I will back off on the steganography bit, but this is a great challenge!
  • Suzy Tonini

    So if Sarah likes to network, but not in public places, I probably won't find her because I am looking on the internet ( a public place). The other alternative being Sarah likes to network in private places, or Sarah likes to network in the fed space....:-(
  • Shally Steckerl

    Suzi - the internet is not ALL public, some things require subscriptions... for example, your gmail account is not a public place, and neither is say LinkedIn from the previous challenge :) Yet they are both "on the Internet." Remember that "the Internet" is more than just www. stuff. Anything http:// or https:// or even ftp:// and so on is still considerd Internet. Don't confuse "world wide web" with Internet.

    Basically if a password is required then its not public access, its restricted access, meaning anyone with the password may enter but not everyone is allowed. Hence its restricted to only those who subscribed, even though the subscription may not require any payment or authorization. Hence, certain "private" networks are acutally open to the public but their content is not inexed by the spiders.

    Some places like LinkedIn blurr the line because you can take your private profile and publish it - but then you have to take an extra step to do so and make it available. So long as you don't do that then it would remain a "private" network.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Thank you for the enlightening words and you are, as usual, 100% on the numbers. Much obliged.
  • Suzy Tonini

    err- just so I don't seem like a complete dumb-%$#-what I meant is what I find on the WWW is public info (or am I out in left field on that?)
  • Shally Steckerl

    the www is public insofar as you are not challenged with a password

    the moment you are required to "log in" then it is no longer "public"

    Of course, true seekers know that EVERYTHING can be public if you ask the right questions, but that's another bedtime story form another fairytale for another time :)
  • Randy Bailey

    Aren't we barking up the wrong tree here? What about the personal approach to networking?
  • Shally Steckerl

    Recruiting IS personal ;)

    I think that's what Sarah is saying anyway... but yes, personal. I think comments on Ning and recommendations on LinkedIn are also very personal. But so is a phone call. Ultimately its all personal when you engage with a person.
  • Shally Steckerl

    Hey there's a new hint from "the man" on SourceCon over on
  • Shally Steckerl

    And my personal thoughts on why you should attend SourceCon...
  • Suzy Tonini

    A few of us have found Sarah...and the crazy trail of clues
  • Shally Steckerl

    That's awesome Suzi! I'm glad the clues are begining to show you a trail. There's a method to all this and everything will become clear with a few more steps. I'm honored and flattered that you've stopped by my page to drop a note but please keep in mind I'm not the only one who worked on this challenge. There's an organization behind it, I only recently got involved and happen to be the one among them who chose to "step out into the light" and be more vocal. In other words, I hope my style doesn't prejudice folks search methods too much because the grand design is not entirely mine.
  • Slouch

    Hey shally, Your profile here on was the most visited member profile on the site. I put up a post mentioning it
  • Shally Steckerl

    Thanks JD but I take no credit - it is because of the SourceCon collective!
  • Shally Steckerl

    oohhh thanks oOo
  • Suzy Tonini

    Oh, I know you're just a "piece of the puzzle" and am still awaiting feedback.....even though I know I am not eligible for this challenge, I still want to solve it.
  • Satya. C. N.


    It looks like this page is modified????? zzzzzzzzz.....
  • Shally Steckerl

    Hm. I can't find an emoticon for turning out my pockets...
  • SourceCon Dude

    Thank you Shally for setting the masses straight, that who is actually behind SourceCon and it's challenges is not one man or woman but a collective of the best and brightest minds in the sourcing industry. To publicly take credit for others peoples creative work is the easy mans road.

    "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference"
    Robert Frost
  • Shally Steckerl

    Thank you, great "SourceCon Icon" for those wise words by one frosty poet - yet how many people around us do just that? Plagiarism is rampant in the age of the Internet. Those who succeeed do so most easily and gracefully when they recognize that in a community we all learn from each other and quickly adapt what we see so that it works for our own needs and so all that all it takes is a simple nod, hyperlink or other humble gesture to give credit where its due. Fankly I think modifying something to pretend its original is just more work than a quick "thank you" and get on with the show.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Bummer. Didn't know I was part of the masses :-(
  • Slouch

    Shally, you poet you
  • Mike Notaro

    It was an honor and a pleasure to finally meet you and I'm sorry we didn't get to speak in any great detail. I would like to schedule some time this week to catch up. Hope all is well.
  • Ray Towle


    Thanks for sharing at SourceCon 2007! Only more time would have made it better. It was all PRIME Info. Kudos!

    All the Best!

  • Chad Sowash

    Hey man thanks for presenting at our Annual Meeting. You were a big hit - Chad
  • Slouch

    Host unlimited photos at for FREE!
  • Slouch

    classic. It should be on the back of that shirt you are wearing