Amitai Givertz

West Palm Beach

United States

Profile Information:

First Name
Last Name
Country (Pick One)
United States of America
State (if Applicable)
Job Title (select one)
Which industries do you work in now?
Technology, All Industries, Financial, Industrial, Other, Services
How many employees work at your company?
B. 2-10
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Martin Burns

    Thanks for the invite Ami, nice to "meet" you...
  • Mark E. Berger

    Amitai: Thank you for the invitation. I am happy to be a part of your network. MEB
  • Heather Ali

    Thanks for the greeting-I love your blogs and resources. They are wonderful. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!
  • Amitai Givertz

    Heather, thank you for saying nice things! I'm happy you found something of value and hope you continue to get something out of the blogs.
  • James Guske

    Hi Ami,
    I wanted to say that I got a chance to listen to your interview on The Recruiting Animal and I was very much impressed with your clearly expressed ideas on blogging and their related use in adding content value to emails. You had an interesting comment on how people seem to present themselves differently when you meet them in person than how you imagine them to be when you read their blog. I found this to be true recently. You had other great comments on the podcast about friendship and community. I will be "tuning in" more to your blogs or your other media in the future. Best Regards.
  • David Sickmiller

    Thanks for the invite. I'd love to get your take on my company's new product, the Career Liaison Application Agent ( You seem to be quite an expert on the industry.
  • Shea Putnam

    Hi Ami -- Slouch left a comment for me to get in touch with you regarding an upcoming Recruiting Roadshow you will be doing here in Dallas. I would love to learn more about it. Give me a call when you have some time. 214-540-4980. Thanks, Shea.
  • Slouch

    Ami, send me the code for the roadshow
  • Dawn Williams

    nice to meet you Amitai. What industries or roles do you specialize in?
  • Slouch

    super cool about Bill Vick
  • Gerry Crispin

    Actually, I would like to catch an innovative way...voice. I'm at 732-432-9172
  • Hank Stringer


    Thanks...I've been following you, Jason and flow so easily and I need to get used to the it were...goood to be here.

  • Kelley Pearson Nicastro

    Thanks - glad to be here. Followed your blog suggestion (and link) for the Job Board directory!
  • Andy Headworth

    Thanks Amitai for the link up, been reading your blog for a while now, so good to be hooked up!
  • Paul Lovallo

    thank for the offer, im one of those kind of people that pushed the buttons first then ask for help when its broke :)

    Have a great day

  • George Easton

    No. Thank you! You've got an excellent amount of great information and resources on your blog. Lots to be gained from knowing you Amitai.
  • Jason Lane

  • Sarah Fournier-Gonzalez

    Hi nice to meet you! I find your posts very informative.
  • Angela

    Thank you!
  • Claudia Faust

    Hey Ami, thanks for the invite. Great community out here...thanks for the introduction! Let's talk tomorrow about that Dear Abby thing.
  • Jenny Jones

    I've been hearing alot of buzz about your Brown Bag Recruiter group and am excited to see it come to full fruition! Looking forward to networking!
  • Dalia Burack

    Nice to be here! Thanks for the invite.
  • Greg Carpenter

    Thank you!
  • Ksenia Shulga

    Hello Amitai,
    Thanks for the invitation ;) I'm accepting it!
  • Jerry Albright

    Thanks Ami. Good luck!
  • Dave Mendoza

    Your first video blog ... you set the standard so high for a gun shy video novice like myself I think I will settle behind the curtain ... for now.
    Absolutely brilliant, sincerely and emphatically stated my friend.
  • Kathryn Borland

    Thank you Ami, I definitely will, and it's much appreciated.
  • Dr.Larisa Varenikova

    Dear Ami, thank you very much.
    Warmest regards from Ukraine -
  • Melody Lynn

    Thanks so much and I look forward to meeting new people in the group!