Ray Towle

, Male

Sharpsburg, Georgia

United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
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Comment Wall:

  • Recruiting Animal

    Would you consider becoming an advisor to the Indian Recruiters group?
  • Suzy Tonini

    Hi Ray- great meeting you- love the string!!
  • Jim Stroud

    Congrats Ray on winning the drawing to attend SourceCon2008 for free! See you next year!

    The Recruiters Lounge - Live at SourceCon 2007 from Jim Stroud on Vimeo.
  • Sonia Rodricks

    Hi Ray ,

    Hope your doing great !

    May i know more about your work so if possible we can work together .

    thanks ,

  • Suzy Tonini

    Hi Ray,

    Yes you AND the internet have excellent memories! Thanks for sharing ;-)

  • Slouch

    Hi Ray, I hope you had a nice new years. In reference to your woindering about recruiting in the backwoods of Canada, I have no idea. Send me a private message with your phone number. I think we were going to set up a call for the new year. Thanks
  • judy kaufmann

    Hey Ray,
    Many thanks for the contact, Ray.
    Do you recruit for any specific industry sectors?
    Human Factor
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Ray Towle

    Hey Judy

    Mostly customized industries, functions, and locations . . . but FYI I have recruited Human Factors Engineers, Human Competence Engineers, and Human Performance Technology pros; e.g., Thomas Gilbert, devotees.

    E-mail: VirtualSourcer@comcast.net

    All the Best!

  • Tom Hesson

    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for connecting. Do you have any info. on GSMA / GSMC in Atlanta.

  • Lahoussine "Lou" Yassini

    Hi Ray,
    Thanks for the Invit :)
  • Ashvin

    Yes we do
    We provide Chicago Public Schools with most of their HRIS and Finance folks (on contract).
    Where are you based and where do you need Peoplesoft folks for?
  • Chuck Vlasin

    Well Ray, it's the ability to work together as a group or independently while focusing on the task at hand. It is also a way of life, being part of something bigger than you are. A link with a group of commrades that will never be broken, no matter what.
  • Ashvin

    (312) 236-4881 xt 13 (CDT)
  • Bill Singh

    Thanks for the connection, Ray!

    Thanks for your message, Ray
    Do you have any clients in UK or in Europe at the movement?
  • Betsy Vyce

    Hi Ray! Sure, I'd be happy to connect with your colleague.
  • Doug Beabout


    I am honored to connect.

    Doug Beabout
  • Susan

    Thanks for the welcome! We are actually more focused on the energy trading and finance side of things.

    What area are you focused on?
  • Corrie Waarum

    Thanks - CT is a great place. Been in FL for over 17 years now, so I guess I can be considered a 'transplant'. Have a great week!
  • Leslie Perry

    Thanks for the add Ray...I would love to connect. I am on Linkedin and now on this site. This networking via forum is fun.

    What is going on in Atlanta?
    What do you recruit for?
  • Teresa R. Bustamante, PHR, ACIR

    Sorry, I am not. There are a number of Bustamante's out there nowadays though!
  • Trisha Gary, PHR, CIR

    Hi Ray. Thank you for the add.
  • Katrina Grant

    Hi Ray,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to email me back! I appreciate the VERY HELPFUL information. It certainly put me in the right direction!

    Thanks again,

  • Heather Mullally Joines

    Thanks Ray, I'm looking forward to it.
  • Eric Klesper

    Hey Ray,

    Thanks for reaching out. Right now I am sourcing in Southern NH and Northern MA. The firm I am working for does have a national presence but my focus is on recruiting internals here.

    Atlanta is a great city. I've been there many times and gave serious thought to relocating there before deciding I wanted to stay close to family and friends.

  • Chris Broussard

    Hey Ray!

    Please let me know if I can help you out in any way.

  • David Paradis

    Hi there Ray,

    We do - just no open reqs right now.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • Carol Whitfield

    Good Evening Ray:

    Thank you for your welcome message. What type of Canadian recruiting do you do? If I can be of assistance to you, please ask.

    I look forward to evaluating and participate on this site.

  • John Grandizio

    Thanks Ray!

    Any specific areas of supply chain?
  • Michael Woodworth

    I will start a Deloitte group - thanks for the idea. On SourceCon, I am still waiting for final word on whether or not we will be attending this year. I hope so!
  • Karthik

    Hi Ray, great to have you in my network.
  • Andrew Fresier

    Hello Ray

    Thank you for the invite

  • Jennifer Thomas

    That's interesting....NASA.....woohoooo! I really love recruiting and I'm excited to try these new ways of connecting with people. It's nice to hear from you. :)
  • Peter Reed-Forrester

    Hi Ray and thanks for the add.

    Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

    Peter R-F
  • Peter Reed-Forrester

    Don't know Julian by the way Ray.

    Peter R-F
  • Renee Floyd

    Oh i can still "dig it"!!! :-) LOL!
  • Sheetal Rao Srivastava

    Thanks Ray.. Apologies for the delayed response.

    I do hope to be more frequent around here... Good to be in tch.


  • Teresa R. Bustamante, PHR, ACIR

    Hi, Ray! No, I am not related to Ely. There are an abundant number of Bustamante's in the Southwest US as it's a Mexian surname. It, like many, came across the pond from Spain and perhaps has Italian origins. I tease people that it's the reason I've remained single at 35... because I love my last name. But, maybe it's because I'm just too hard to live with and stay on the web too much sourcing for those passive candidates. Yes, I have no life!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Ray,

    It looks like I left you a comment reply back on my page.. Thanks for connecting as well and look forward to sharing some information very soon! Have a wonderful week.

    All the best,

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Ray ~ noticed you are planning on attending SourceCon.. can you tell me more about this conference and your affiliation? Would like to see if I would attend in the future.. Thanks!
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Tim

    Ray thanks for the comments on the ATS's, but for a small shop that also wants CRM do you think there is a best choice?